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Mistress Choi

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Everything posted by Mistress Choi

  1. Oh, fetishes. Who has those?? I'm definitely vanilla!! (That, by the way, was a joke.) I'm not sure if it counts as an actual fetish, but being on the giving end of heavy corporal gives me a feeling of extreme satisfaction. As many of my subs know, I am a huge fan of red bottoms and the lovely whistling noises that certain implements make. I believe it really became apparent to me when I started at the Fortress, as unfortunately I rarely get to play with toys outside of our hallowed walls. On a vainer note, as some of you have clothing or shoe fetishes, I may just have a fetish for how I look in shiny black stuff. For me, wearing shiny black stuff translated into power and intimidation - I wonder why! - and I loved the feeling. This started back when I was around 14 or so, as I thought that black latex and PVC were just the sexiest things out there, along with really lush velvet, sumptuous fabrics and delicate lace. I've been known to buy clothing or yards of fabric to roll around naked in at home. Perhaps I have a bit of a tactile fetish...if anyone can describe it better, be my guest :-)
  2. Ray, When you spend as much time as I do with bottoms, you'd learn to appreciate the differences between the sounds different strokes and implements make - also the texture and firmness of the...drums. :-)
  3. LOL smallcockloser! That DOES sound like fun! What are you waiting for?? Guppylover, I believe there is another thread about the soundtrack for my video on this forum - check it out. Also, you have *no* idea what I'm capable of - come on over and find out ;-)
  4. Mistress Ahn, I've heard such amazing things from a lot of my male model friends about the benefits of muay thai - "best, most intense workout EVER!" Even my bagel guy is a muay thai devotee. I've actually been curious about it, but I'm afraid of getting my ass beat! It is, though, a terribly appropriate form of exercise for this career path :-D Side note: I wish I could do nothing to stay in shape! Unfortunately, I love food way too much, but I am blessed with lots of personal trainer friends. Now, if only I could make the gym less boring...
  5. A new twist on Burning Man, keeping in the spirit of radical self expression :-)
  6. Ray, Perhaps I am just more witty in writing. Or, perhaps you did not take the time to get to know me! Either way, I am quite happy that you appreciate what humour I inject into this lovely place. :-) As I've mentioned to others, I am a big fan of British comedy - Terry Pratchett is a wonderful author that you might enjoy, and Black Adder is just hilarious.
  7. Pickle brine? Like pickle juice? Hmmm, I'm not sure if any of the Mistresses here would like a pickled bottom! I, for one, enjoy tender ones - they make a much more satisfying sound! A side note on pickle juice - there is a bar that has a special - a shot of whiskey followed by a shot of pickle juice. I'm not sure how that helps the menfolk pick up women...
  8. monokuro, isn't airfare actually lower now than it used to be? I'm fairly sure it is. No excuse! ^.^ LOL at your friend, by the way. That sounds incredibly amusing to have seen.
  9. Semaphore, Naughty thing, you! Trying to appeal to my better side...and it might be working...I guess the real test will be when we meet! Monokuro, I look forward to meeting you in person! Tell me, did your friend try to take apart an actual Dyson or was it a random flying bit of shrapnel that he lodged in himself?
  10. Welcome, dirtybrooklynboy and asianloverxxx! You'll love the Forum, and you'll love us even more! :-P
  11. Ray - I'm flattered that you think I look so young - may I age gracefully, darn it! mongoose - LOL! I don't have a clever response to that, other than "yeah you do!" And don't insult my awesome gelato like that! Marscapone is much more flavourful than vanilla :-D akiravn1 - Mistress Zhao *does* take some lovely photos, doesn't she?! seemyalterego - Thanks for the comment :-) Side note to self: I'm surprised that noone has caught on that I am straddling a very large ball in one of the photos. Leapfrog, anyone?
  12. You're too kind, Longhall. Still replaying parts? And, I'm curious - what else made your top 10 list? Semaphore, are you trying to suck up to my dork-liking side?
  13. I am kah-rushing your head! I had a great time too - remember what I said about being in the city and not coming to see me?
  14. smallcockloser, Should I be offended or flattered? :-P
  15. Ooo I want! I love Legos! Granted, that is a far cry from the castle and battleship sets I used to have...
  16. bubble, you are cruisin' for a bruisin'!
  17. Who is "Chou"? And you thought 600 was hard to take...just you wait! >.< Oh, and I beg to differ - the tally must have been well over 600, what with 550 formal, the ones you miscounted, and my free-for-all. Not including your punishment from Mistress Kang. Busy day for you!
  18. mustanggt, I prefer my Irish buns to be lush, succulent, and lovely to sink my teeth into. Sticky would be a dealbreaker. :-) (and yes, I realize that it was some sort of perverted joke, but I refuse to bite...)
  19. woffyboy, Thank you :-) I'm not sure I'd quite survive a fullblown session with the lovely Mistress Ahn, but she is rather spectacular. Dannyboy, I'm waiting, rather impatiently, to reinforce your idea of how fantastic I am in session... xoxo to both
  20. Evil? Moi? Never! I am the picture of cute bubble-gummy innocence! :-D Mongoose, come on down and we'll see just how much you like it. lashee, darling, wherefore art thou tender bottom? Akiravn1, thank you for the lovely compliments :-)
  21. I'm so happy that you are keeping track of your progress for Me! I'm not sure what is so surprising to you about the lasting effects of My handiwork; shall I have to add that to your list of indiscretions? I think so...just you wait :-) xo Mistress Choi
  22. My little baby Kevin, I forgive you this one time, but I suggest you loosen up next time you come to see me. I must say, though, that you are charmingly pitiful when you beg... xo Mistress Choi
  23. It was my pleasure! I am glad you enjoyed yourself, and I hope we see you back here again soon :-)
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