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Mistress Choi

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Everything posted by Mistress Choi

  1. Oh did I? I was unaware that I sent a message :-) I believe that the server may have sent you a generic email alerting you to the fact that you added me as a friend on here.

  2. SADFACE! EdgarAH, what am I supposed to stand on now?!
  3. Yayyyy! I can't wait!

  4. It's ok, just wanted to drop by and say hallo!

  5. The problem with lurking is that I know you're doing it.

  6. Soooo that means you're coming then, right?! Super high heels are so much better for you when you're standing on a plush surface....like a tummy!
  7. Perfect! Go recruit some more for us, kay? I love human seats - you don't even have to get up to move around :-D
  8. Maybe we should arrange additional seating ahead of time, for this party. Any volunteers??
  9. Octane, it was so nice meeting you too! And your little neko-esque friend :-) I got such a kick out of your description of your sexuality! And yes, I will be getting you back next time. Will you be at the party on Friday?
  10. JB- It was such a laugh meeting you :-) I'm surprised you remember our session in such detail, when you couldn't even count backwards! Now you know, never keep pertinent information from your Mistress(es)! I'm so glad that we got to chat, and that you had a great experience :-) I can't wait to see you again, with all our intimate knowledge of your tickle spots! xo Mistress Choi
  11. Yes, yes I am :-P Maybe next time I see you, we can make you into a living doll of sorts too!!

  12. I bet I know which spa you're going to! Love it! Too bad I can't go :-(
  13. There are SO many different books on bondage. However, I tend to like books by Two Knotty Boys (they have videos on youtube as well) or The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage by Midori. Most adult stores do sell rope, as do online boutiques, and Amazon.

  14. I am fairly sure this has been posted elsewhere, but this one always makes me laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6SLzbTWFcg It also highlights the fact that you must know your exact safe word - or else we may Mis(tress)interpret!
  15. LOL for sure I envied your rubber boots this past week - we've had rain and snow!

  16. :-) I love stockings!

  17. I'm so glad that you found the forum! I'm even more glad that you two enjoyed your session :-) If you ever need a recommendation for books or anything, let me know. Practice makes perfect...so lots of practice for the two of you!

  18. Try? TRY?! >.<

    Yeah, that's cool :-) I look forward to it!

  19. Was being here with me so wonderful that you have now lost your grasp on the English language? :-P

  20. Yay! Bring some nice weather back with you, kay?

  21. where are you? I miss your screams ^.^

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