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Mistress Choi

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Everything posted by Mistress Choi

  1. Well, we don't have a cage for nothing :-D
  2. May I just point out that noone ever really refers to Dr. Frankenstein's looks? His monster, yes, is a staple of Halloween - but the actual Dr. Frankenstein, well, I cannot recall anything good or bad about his actual appearance. Perhaps spockme is referring to Mistress Jung's electrifying techniques :-)
  3. akiravn1 - extremely fun, you mean :-) Dannyboy - Thank you :-) By the way, our session was very much based on a dynamic of power exchange and payback - I wouldn't say that you had the sole dominating role there...
  4. Silver is a prettier colour than gold, anyways.

    1. yourdog84
    2. nyisles


      sadly you sent me a personal message but I cannot answer it :(

  5. Payback is a bitch...and so am I :-) Don't worry boys, I can still crawl around in your minds and mess around - perhaps even better now that I can devote all of my brainstorming time to creative punishment! scl, you've given a great example of the bias that switches work against - while I was a switch, I wasn't worth moving for, and now I am? Hmmm... :-P
  6. scl- you should always be addressing me as Mistress Choi :-) Come visit, I am so upset that we lost and I'd love to reestablish the USA's dominance over Canada in every way, and what better way than to "spank a man silly"?
  7. lulu, In this, and many other situations, one should not judge a book by its cover. I believe that petite women actually have more tools in their arsenal to force compliance than more butch-type women who depend on their appearance to intimidate and dominate. Though, this is something you shall have to discover for yourself...firsthand.
  8. Favourite team? I know they're not very good anymore...but I still love the Sabres. They had some kick ass players! However, monokuro, I do not follow women's hockey - I don't know if it's a silly prejudice, but I don't feel that they're brutal enough! ^.^ Though I am the last person to say that women cannot be brutal...
  9. It's safer for Americans to not look like supporters of the USA hockey team because of the hockey rivalry between the US and Canada - Canadians seem to feel that since it's colder up there, it's more their sport than ours. Honestly, though, they take their hockey very seriously. I think it's their national sport, and we just beat them. On their home turf. I don't have a T.V. hooked up to the wall, but the game was streaming online, and I love hockey...so... scl - That must be awesome having the little cultural houses - like a mini Epcot! :-D
  10. I wish I could have been in Vancouver tonight for the big game! I've read that Americans were advised to go undercover as Canadians. Is it very exciting being in the city during the Olympics?
  11. Always! ^.^ While you may have a tiny tonker, you can try to make it up in many other ways :-) We'll just have to see, won't we? I'll try to remember to bring a magnifying glass...
  12. ...I want one of those wooden CBT devices - preferably the stretcher/crusher one...how fun would that be to combine with electro! All the nerve endings would be that much closer to the surface :-D
  13. smallcockloser- What are you waiting for?! Sheesh :-P
  14. Hound_Dog - I saw "fat choi" out of the corner of my eye when I clicked onto the main forum page, and I had a moment of "What did he say about me?! Is he calling me FAT?!" But you wouldn't do that...at least, not twice at any rate Happy New Year :-)
  15. All your base are belong to Ahn?

  16. Not that there is anything bad about Playboy models, but I find that dating most models in general doesn't work out so well - when one coasts on their looks most of their life, they usually haven't developed certain skills or character that "normal" people do.
  17. Sports...I'm not a huge fan, except for hockey (nothing like the fights on ice!). I do like the commercials during the Super Bowl though!
  18. Skin, shmin. Don't scare the man! That's OUR job! :-P
  19. *tiptoes up behind fender and pushes him off the fence* ^.^ Sometimes you have to just jump in feet first! I know it can be very intimidating, but what do you have to lose?
  20. You could say "Getting Tanned" because it really does refer to getting your bottom (or top, or front, or...) beaten and requires less explanation :-) The way you said it makes me think of spray-on tans!
  21. foottickler, just how naughty have you been? I'm quite sure I can make you repent of your sins ^.^

  22. akiravn1 - I do have many lovely facets to my personality...and yet I always find myself gravitating to the more questionable and/or smutty things in life!
  23. Thank you Dannyboy, for writing out the titles! And thank you, leatherwings, for another way for me to spend time nurturing my smutty side :-)
  24. leatherwings, Thank you for the recommendation! :-)
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