I love this thread, with all it's wonderful fits and starts!
I think being in a relationship with one of these girls would be a unique experience. I'm not referring to the physical relationship, but to the type of personality(ies) required to keep it going, especially if the relationship may be of a polygamous/polyandrous nature.
Are these girls witty, engaging, attractive, fun, etc.? None of us would disagree with that, and I imagine that we could all come up with many more superlatives to describe them.
Yes, they may be exhausted and stressed when they come home, and may feel like kicking someone's teeth in on occasion. But they are still girls--girls who need to go shopping, go to the beach, dip their toes into fountains, or get their nails done on a regular basis. Seeing this side of them makes the sub part all the more thrilling, because they're playing the game, too!
That's the reason the Candids Gallery has many of my favorite photos...we see the girls for who they really are, and that dimension adds so much more than simply viewing them as BDSM bots.
I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fantasy; hell, it's a pretty awesome one to dream about...but it's even more fascinating to discover that they have so much more to offer to the lucky man that catches their fancy. I could only wish that it would be me...