After much introspection, I confidently put myself down as a lifelong fetishist. Being in my late forties, this was an engaging memory exercise. If the past is a somewhat reliable predictor of the future, I’m sure some curious engrammic flotsam shall arise over the next few days further supporting my position.
Memories: fifth grade, mean homeroom teacher. I had a dream whereby me and all my fellow students were sitting in a banquet hall, and we were supposed to be quiet. The student next to me was talking, and the stern homeroom teacher singled me out for it, although I had been silent. I don’t think he liked me, because I had an independent streak and spoke my mind. I didn't rat out my buddy (fifth grade omertà) , and as a result I was told to come up to the dais, and was beaten with a cotton tablecloth that had a knotted corner with a goblet in it (Catholic school—goblets all over the place). When I didn’t make a sound, the teacher gave me a grudging respect and let me return to my seat.
Memories: tenth grade, shapely, raven-haired Italian Chem teacher. She often wore a leather jacket, tight jeans, and moccasin boots. I used to fantasize about her holding me down and forcing me to have sex with her. (All hail hormone-fueled optimism!)
Influences: also around tenth grade, was a reading geek—anything not assigned by a teacher, that is. Read through the existing Gor series of books, which at the time I only recognized as being enjoyable. The Gor books are alternate world adventures which I now know are actually thinly veiled BDSM soft-porn. In most books, the women were servants and objects of the warriors, and to a scrawny and shy teenager this seemed like a great set-up! They occupied my mind quite a bit during those years. Thankfully, B. Dalton sold them, so my parents and teachers didn’t recognize what a porn-fest they were for a teenage boy. There was also at least one book where the roles were reversed, and the men were objects. Thoroughly enjoyed that, too.
Influences: early eighties, early MTV. One of the first videos to feature a storyline was Golden Earring’s Twilight Zone. At 2:48 or so into the video, the hero of the piece is tied up and being interrogated. Cue the Dancing Dommes. Three girls wearing leather playsuits (or rubber, or PVC, not sure), black gloves, black stockings, thick collars around their necks, and black policeman hats, come dancing into the starkly empty warehouse space and try to coerce the hero into talking. They end up injecting him with truth serum. The lyrics are somewhat telling, featuring: “It’s 2 a.m., the fear is gone…there’s a storm on the loose, Sirens in my head…Help, I’m steppin’ into the Twilight Zone, place is a madhouse…Where am I to go now that I’ve gone too far?” Definitely strongly aroused by this video (hey, it was the eighties, I was young, and Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet).
Through my twenties and early thirties, I remained strongly attracted to such fare, but life intervened, and partners were not so opened minded. I think for my generation one's forties are a breakpoint, in that most people of that age quit censoring themselves as much as they have always done, and tend to care less what people think. Open-minded partners are easier to find in mainstream settings, and of course the proliferation of porn on the internet breaks down some barriers too (gee, there are other people like me! Maybe I’m not such a freak, or maybe being a little freaky is as fun as it looks!)
Starting with my late thirties, adventures and indulgences ensued, to much great mutual satisfaction. The seeds, however, were there from long before.