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Great topic, Mistress Faye! I love the pic; its so hot the way You are obviously taking Your time and casually reading the label while that lucky sub gets to assist You!
FF definitely needs to be nominated for the wall street journal's annual "50 best placed to work" contest I'm sure the intern (rearranged the letters from floormat) would want to be the first to nominate the Fortress!!
Wow, what a pic! It surpasses the original. Michaelangelo must have had a premonition of the future FF. "Creation of a God to Walk among men: Asian Women"
Ms. Jessy Kang: The Experience of a Lifetime!
Kang-inated replied to Kang-inated's topic in Fortress Guest Forum
Mistress Kang, Thank You for the assignment, Maam! What a great line of polish! You have great taste in all things, Goddess. When I clicked on my favorite color, I couldn't believe the name - "Head Mistress: a bold, direct and In-charge red"!! It was definitely meant for You! Is there a mailing adress I can use to send You some bottles? My owner should not have. To pay for Her own nail polish ;)http://www.essie.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=448 -
Ms. Jessy Kang: The Experience of a Lifetime!
Kang-inated replied to Kang-inated's topic in Fortress Guest Forum
Thanks so much for Your kind words, Mistress Kang! You are incredible! You are so gracious to allow me the amazing opportunity to have the honor of wearing Your special collar, Goddess. I know it won't be easy to earn, but I also know that under Your expert training and Superior mind, i can't fail as long as I follow Your instructions without question and enthusiastically cater to Your every whim. Thanks again, beautiful, superior Mistress Kang! -
I was riding the train in to Penn Station when the arrangements began to take shape. It was a Saturday morning and the train was bustling with tourists and locals on weekend excursions. There was a sense of joy in the air and I shared it, along with a bit of nervous excitement. As a businessman having just past my fifty-first birthday, I remember thinking that it had been a long time since I felt that quickening of the pulse and that little spark of adrenalin, when making plans for the evening. For me, it was a rare “free” weekend, and a free weekend in Manhattan of all places! I smiled slightly at the thought of the word “free” – free to be enslaved would be more accurate. I had been planning a visit to The Fetish Fortress, the legendary house of Mistress Jessy Kang, viewed by many as the state of the art in FemDom and the best house in NYC, and perhaps in the World. I had been e-mailing with Ms. Jung, who I suspected was one of the beautiful Asian Dominas of the Fortress, but who, in Her role as appointment coordinator, could not have been more courteous and helpful. My request had been somewhat last minute due to a quick change of travel plans, and while Ms. Jung courteously informed me of the optimal amount of time to allow in the future for making appointments, She gave me the sense of being my “ally”, a friend who was as eager as I was to arrange the perfect evening. Of course, I treated Her with the utmost courtesy and respect, addressing Her as “Ms.” Without being asked to, and I never bicker over gifts and screening requirements. I’d been a slave long enough to know that this Woman held absolute power over the quality of the arrangements for the visit and I did not intent to make a bad first impression, although its simply never in my nature to be in any way discourteous to a beautiful Woman. After a few more e-mails, and a couple of phone calls when I reached my hotel room, everything was set and I had my instructions for confirming the appointment and exactly what to do when I arrived. To my great surprise and delight, I had been fortunate enough to arrange one of the Fortress’s famous Dinner and Domination (D&D) sessions with Mistress Jessy Kang Herself, Head Mistress, Owner, and an intelligent and successful Manhattan businesswoman. In my previous experiences, it was very difficult, if not impossible, to schedule with the Head Mistress of a House, particularly if one was not already an established client. Ms. Kang was the Domina of my dreams and I could not have been more excited. If there is a “law of attraction” for male submissives, it was clearly working for me on this day – The Goddesses of Domination seemed to be smiling on me (or perhaps laughing at me, but either way, I was happy they were pleased!). Upon arriving at the Fortress, I quickly learned that it absolutely deserved its highly acclaimed reputation. The security procedures, which I won’t go into Here, were state of the art, allowing for absolute discretion and the security of both the Dominas and their submissives. While every step I took leading to entering the session room was carefully controlled and choreographed to comply with the House procedures, I felt as If I was being treated with perfect courtesy and eagerly obeyed Ms. Jung’s instructions, several times thanking Her for Her graciousness in arranging my session. When instructed, I exited the small, but comfortable and immaculate dressing room where I left my clothing, locking the door behind me and entering the famous “Steel Room”, one of the Fortress’s incredibly beautiful session rooms. Naked in the session room, waiting for Mistress Kang, it occurred to me that this was the first time since entering the Fortress that I did not have specific instructions. After briefly being mesmerized by the well-equipped room, I made a quick slave “decision” to kneel on my hands and knees with my forehead pressed to the carpet, facing the direction in which the beautiful Mistress Jessy Kang’s sacred feet would first touch the ground when She entered. I cannot say exactly how long I knelt there in eager anticipation. My heart was beating quickly again and I took a few deep breaths and tried to focus my sub-male mind on pleasing my soon-to-be new Mistress. Ms. Kang was in no rush, which added to the reality of the session - Free Woman are not on “slave time” and their schedule is their own. I, on the other hand, was relieved and grateful to have arrived exactly at the time specified, not early, and not late, thanks to Ms. Jung’s courteous and precise instructions. The sound of footsteps, and their vibration through the carpet I knelt on, interrupted my racing thoughts. With a slave’s instincts, I knew it was my new owner, Mistress Kang Herself, approaching the door. I dared not look up, and my heart began to melt as soon as I heard Her lovely voice addressing me. It’s hard for me now to recall every detail of what happened next. She told me She was pleased with my position and could tell I had some “seasoning” as a slave. She seemed happy to have had a somewhat experienced sub to play with since She would not need to unduly restrain Her whims. She told me to spread my “rear legs” as She circled around me to “look at Her property”. I’m sure I blushed when She said She was pleased with Her slave and could tell I made an effort to stay in shape. As I would learn only too well, Ms. Kang has the most unique ability to remain kind, calm, and friendly, while totally taking possession of one’s mind, body and spirit. It’s not an act, and She can certainly be as fierce as necessary and switch gears at the drop of a hat, but Her uniqueness, which She seems to have engrained in all of the Fortress Dominas, is that She has a natural awareness of Her Asian Female Superiority, and Her Dominant abilities. And because of this instinctive awareness, She knows She will get what She wants when She wants it, or She will quickly and effectively correct the situation. She has no need to alter Her naturally pleasant demeanor simply to control a mere male slave. I can’t recall exactly what I blurted out when I was allowed to kneel upright and gaze at the sacred countenance of my new Goddess. I do remember the beauty of Ms. Kang’s smile and my relief at not displeasing Her. I’m sure I was thinking something about Her being even more beautiful than Her beautiful photos, a cliché’ of course, but in Mistress Kang’s case, an absolute truth. Anyone with eyes, male or Female, knows that Ms. Kang photographs like a fashion model, so its beyond my humble powers of language to describe Her stunning beauty. She has the face of a cover girl, and the figure of an Olympian Goddess. If you aren’t inclined to believe in the inherent superiority of Asian Woman, you will likely find yourself re-examining your beliefs when you first cast your slave eyes upon Her genetically flawless features and beauty. Her silhouette is legendary; Her legs are stunning - toned, athletic, and feminine at the same time. All manikins should be molded from Her shape! The perfection of Her derrière, her perfect sacred orbs, is beyond my power of description. The session had not yet even really begun and my slave heart already belonged to Mistress Kang. I knew I would do anything for Her, and was eager to demonstrate that fact. I won’t bore you with a play by play of my training session. If you are a male submissive like me, you need to experience Goddess Kang for yourself. Just do it. If you can’t afford the trip, start saving, get a second job, sell your car, brown bag your lunch, and take a loan – just do it. It’s what we worn born for and once you are in Her presence, if you are so lucky as to get an appointment, you will feel that truth with every fiber in your slave being. I do recall that Ms. Kang was pleased with my pain tolerance and my enthusiasm when acting as Her obedient and eager puppy. Of course this was a “D & D” session and I had much more of the evening to look forward to with my beautiful Mistress, the living Goddess Jessy Kang. Ms. Kang was equally stunning in Her “street” clothes and seemed to enjoy my ability to switch from a completely submissive mode, to that of an eager dinner companion enjoying natural conversation with a beautiful Woman. Ms. Jessy is a naturally skilled conversationalist and asks questions with a refreshing spirit of genuine interest and desire to learn more about Her dinner companion and any subject of discussion. Of course, I did not realize then, that my mind was being “mapped” by an intellectual superior, and the mapping had begun when the session first started. Ms. Kang has a way of making you want to answer Her questions, quickly and truthfully, just because you are grateful to be in the company of Her perfection and you want to please Her. By this point, Ms. Kang knew things about me that I had never told anyone and barely even admitted to myself. Not through threats or coercion, simply because my greatest desire in that moment was to answer Her questions and I did, and still do, trust Her completely. She seemed so interested in each word of the answer that I truly forgot for a moment that She was an experienced Domina who had no doubt previously heard or experienced many of the things I revealed to Her. I began to think of Ms. Kang as the invincible “Borg” Queen from Star Trek: resistance was “futile” and She had “prepared me to be assimilated”. My mind had been completely probed and mapped, and I enjoyed it. I had no desire other than pleasing Her and being allowed full assimilation into the Kang “collective”. I wanted to be an excellent “drone”. And if I may add, in case you may be in the habit of answering a Domina’s probing questions with scripted, pre-crafted answers to avoid the embarrassment of revealing your secrets, you will immediately realize, in Her presence, that You are in the company of a superior intelligence and you will know instinctively that any inconsistency or deceitful body language, or the slightest insincere inflection of voice, will be spotted immediately. But if you are anything like me, that won’t be a problem, because pleasing this incredible Woman will be the most burning obsession in your mind. Following our perfect and enchanting dinner, my plan had been to go alone to a public play party at a famous Manhattan B&D club. But earlier in the evening, at the Fortress, when I invited Ms. Kang, and She indicated there was a possibility She could fit it into Her schedule, I jumped at the opportunity. This, of course, was not part of the usual “D&D”, and while Ms. Kang was gracious to be mindful of my budget, I did not bicker or bargain and eagerly accepted Her first generous offer to allow me to accompany Her to the event. Public servitude was something I had not experienced before, and attending as the personal attendant of New York’s most beautiful and successful Domina was more than I could have dared imagine in my dreams. Like the rest of this magical evening, as we prepared to attend the party, the atmosphere was natural and relaxed, while we both knew Ms. Kang was always in complete control. She casually decided on every detail, from the color and style of my briefs, to the time we would arrive and the route we would take. Ms. Kang enjoyed the mild weather that evening and it was Her preference to walk the short distance to the event. Just as at dinner, casual pedestrians would have thought we were a couple, and it even seemed that way to me sometimes, well except for the reminder that I carried in my arm, discreetly folded in Ms. Kang’s evening jacket – a wide and brightly polished steel posture collar that I would wear for the evening. Just as I was leaving the Fortress earlier, Ms. Jung casually remembered that She had forgotten to give me my collar for the event. I genuinely thanked Her for Her thoughtful attention to detail, as well as thanking Her again for Her work in arranging this perfect evening. I had carried the collar in my hand in full view without even being aware of the potential attention it would draw, until Ms. Kang suggested I fold it in Her jacket. That is how powerful Ms. Jessy’s enthrallment of me had become - a usually careful and discrete businessman was walking down a busy sidewalk in NYC with his shiny steel posture collar in his hand, and not giving it a second thought. Of course, no collar is complete without a leash and we had to stop in several convenience stores on the way until we found Ms. Kang’s preference – a plain, black webbed-nylon dog leash of sufficient length. Ms. Kang always knows what She wants, and nothing makes my submissive heart feel more alive than being in the company of a Woman who knows exactly what She wants and communicates it clearly. I was in submissive heaven and the evening was still young! By the time we arrived at the party, Ms. Kang’s insidious brain “mapping” and mesmerizing presence had me under Her complete control, as if there was ever any question of it! A usually somewhat reserved and discrete individual who likes to blend into a crowd, I was beaming with pride at being the personal slave on Mistress Jessy Kang’s leash. I remember seeing other slaves looking at me with envy, and beautiful Dominas smiling with approval at the leashed slave scurrying to keep up with his Goddess, who darted from scene to scene with Her usual youthful exuberance and high energy. I took all the pain that pleased Ms. Kang that night, and am always striving to increase my threshold because I adore the sincere pleasure that it gives to superior Dominant Woman. However, my earliest and strongest fetish is a foot and leg fetish, and Ms. Kang, through Her casual questions, had discreetly probed down to the earliest essence of the formation of my desires. After graciously using me as foot rest for Her gorgeous booted legs, and a trampoline, and my mouth as a heel and boot sole cleaner, She masterfully recreated the moment that likely formed my foot fetish, rubbing Her perfect stocking feet up and down my torso and under my shirt, ripping the buttons open, while occasionally allowing me to passionately lick Her perfect soles and take Her sacred feet deep into my slave mouth. By the time Her devious and imaginative mind decided to place me on a rolling flat cart and use me as a roller-skating board under Her feet, my mind had turned to mush and I was in a state of totally owned nirvana. While I thought that the evening had reached its pinnacle, I realized that a slave on Ms. Kang’s leash should never make assumptions when in the presence of Her superior mind and will. She was not just an angel, She was Mistress Jessy Kang, and I had pleased Her. The entire evening was perfect, and each day I work on my plan to return to NYC to further my education at the hands of the World’s best. Thank You, Mistress Kang!