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About Manpeach

  • Birthday April 9

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    The steamy mist
  • Interests
    Giving up control to my mistress. To be told what to do, how to act, what to feel and what to think. To step away from my persona, responsibilities and belong to another. To flush power and energy from my being and offering it to my mistress. And, in the end, hoping the sacrifice of my dignity is of use to my mistress.

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  1. Hey manpeach, thanks for recognizing yourself in my post. And for being open about who you *really* are ;)

    1. Manpeach


      Good morning Mistress Zhao, Thank you for opening me up (lol) to who I am. You really have me pegged, and I can say mentally and physically this time ! I'm really looking forward to our next session, hopefully in mid May. I thought maybe a Dinner and Domme this time .? It would probably have to be lunch or Afternoon Snack & Domme due to my traveling schedule, if that's ok. Your thoughts? or would you rather get right to beating me up?

      Your manpeach, Bradley

    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hi little manpeach!

      Mid May works perfectly, as does Dinner and Domme! I understand your "traveling schedule" so anytime is good for me. It'll be a fun experience, for sure ;)

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