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About Manpeach

  • Birthday April 9

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    The steamy mist
  • Interests
    Giving up control to my mistress. To be told what to do, how to act, what to feel and what to think. To step away from my persona, responsibilities and belong to another. To flush power and energy from my being and offering it to my mistress. And, in the end, hoping the sacrifice of my dignity is of use to my mistress.

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  1. Manpeach, very sorry about your Mother. Your poem brought tears to my eyes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      We all go through it. I lost my mother in 2002. Seems like yesterday. Hang in there. Time numbs all wounds.

    3. Manpeach


      I was prepared for her passing but was in a mode to deal with setting up the arrangements. I find myself hurting more now as let my guard down. It will take awhile to deal with the finality. thanks for your support BTB

    4. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      I know what you mean, Manpeach. My father died at a much younger age and suddenly. While I handled it well it wasn't until 6 months later when I went to the cemetery to see the stone that it really hit me.

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