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Everything posted by Whostoy

  1. I sent some pics but I guess they didn't make the cut Oh mistresses of the Fortress please help me
  2. I have my pics ready for you. How do I share with you all?
  3. Ok I am now fully shaven and my orifaces are clean as a whistle thanks to some great tea. What's next for me to do to get prepared?
  4. Omg you just made me shrivel in fear. There is no way I could handle that. This is definitly brutal torture
  5. It can be a phit shoot marathon. I can take one for each
  6. How would you like my profile pic? Tell me exactly how you want it and I will obey and use it as my profile pic.
  7. I will work on this immediatly so I can be ready for you. I Will be ready this week. How can I send you proof that I'm ready?
  8. Ok I'm ready to be told by you.
  9. That sounds like an amazing adventure. How can I prepare for this?
  10. I' ll be in NYC early next week. Maybe Mistress Jung will allow me humor her
  11. I've been unclaimed for so long. I could only hope for a beautiful mistress to claim me
  12. As of right now it may be Mistress Jung. Unless someone else is willing to take me
  13. Ok I am ready to prepare. Are they any excersises or any things I need to do to be fully ready? I will be back in NYC next week. I hope that's enough time
  14. I could only hope to fulfill any action for you. For you to claim me would be a dream come true. Just say when
  15. A sweaty tush could be the greatest gift from the perfect mistresses of the fortress
  16. Just looking for my owner

  17. I will do anything and I mean anything to find my way home. Just tell me what you need me to do to show my worth. I will do anything to amuse you or pleasure you for your entertainment.
  18. Yes I have and I I'm looking to find my owner? Any clues on which way to go or anything I can do to get their attention? Or perhaps you may want to claim me as your own.
  19. I'm lost, can you find my owner?

  20. Can someone take me to my owner?
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