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  1. Is the shower possible to do at the fortress? I never played in purple but I hear it has its own bathroom, does it have a shower?
  2. Welcome Sabina Riva! I hope to get the opportunity to become your guinea pig!
  3. I wouldn’t call it a buzz but I do agree it’s like a trance like state...during a session a sub can become free to explore feelings and emotions that one can’t do in the real world without the consequences of negative and ignorant judgement...the opportunity to be free and experience such emotional release it is what drives me to schedule a session...it’s a unique form of healing that drugs, alcohol or even therapy can’t come close to achieving...
  4. Enjoy a low carb Keto dinner, some Netflix’s, get to bed early so she can be up early to workout/...then enjoy a boozy brunch!
  5. Lion is a personal favorite....very emotional moment when they showed the real characters at the end
  6. I once was dating a Chinese women who spoke fluent mandarin. When we got naked together for the first time, I told her my last Chinese gf nicknamed my penis “xiao”but never told me the meaning of such name (xiao means small). This was all a lie but I wanted to see her reaction lol. She blushed and laughed a bit, then told me what the word meant. I pretend to be embarrassed but of course I was really enjoying this. She then proceeded to call me xiao lol. she was a vanilla girl and always apologized for calling me xiao...only if she knew how much I enjoyed it lol
  7. There is a girl I work with on the same floor I flirt with...and she flirts back...the other week she tells me I have small hands which I believe she was implying I have a small...you get the idea...I immediately turned red and she laughed lol
  8. Mistress Jin once put a pair of panties on me and then told me I had nice legs....made my day!
  9. When I was in college, a girl I had a crush on asked me to come with her and get a pedicure...I said no because I was to insecure about my mascalinity to go lol. Seems silly looking back at it now. She did let me rub her shoulders...I enjoyed the experience although I did feel like I was being taken advantage off as she knew I liked her and was able to get shoulder rubs from me and I got nothing in return...
  10. Hmm, I always wanted to do a yoga inspired session...made to stretchs, some of which are embarrassing, lol, leaving sensitive people arts exposed for the mistress to inspect lol
  11. when mistress Von Dietz was placing a chastity device on me, I was worried it would permanently damage me, she said "don't worry, I haven't lost one yet"...we LoL-ed
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