It is good to see other Vonnegut fans! His work is great. I just started reading "White Noise" by Don DeLillo. Only a few chapters in. It is really quite bizarre. I also just finished "Herland". Interesting. A female only society, and when the men arrive they are instantly subdued. I am not sure I agree with the idea in general though. I doubt a society would suddenly be at peace if all males vanished. Plus the eugenics bit of it just felt like a watered down "Brave New World".
Oddly, I haven't had the chance to watch Fight Club yet. I'll have to pick the book up. Hell, I wasn't even aware it was a book! Maybe when I have some free time this summer.
Hey, let us not include books in the plots of assassins! I already hear enough of one of my hobbies being the downfall of human decency (Gaming in general), I don't need the other making people I am a nut! I actually wasn't a fan of "Catcher in the Rye". How it drove that man to shoot poor Lennon, I will never know. It really wasn't that compelling! Hell, Salinger's short stories are more entertaining.
I've actually heard of "A Confederacy of Dunces", but haven't had the chance to read it. As I noted (in another thread) I was looking for something fun, that might be just the thing! Thanks for the advice.