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Everything posted by Dogzilla

  1. Dogzilla


  2. It's hard to describe Eva is words. All of those describe her endearing qualities. But if there is one intangible quality that describes her overall persona, it's: Adorable!!
  3. Dogzilla


    Your dimples make your Tushy that much more adorable!
  4. Btw, that device looks really scary to be used in session. What else would it be used for with a totally naked and vulnerable sub but to clip off low hanging objects?! = )
  5. It proves only one thing: you really know how to find adorable mistresses!
  6. From my dog's eye view, the photo, as published is closer to gold and off-white. The whole concept of how light reflects off the dress into your eye, is how we perceive color. The camera that took the photo in question is a fixed image. In other words, it's how the camera saw the dress given whatever angles and light were present at that moment. That said, anyone who claims to see the dress as blue and black must then see all three images as the same color (and I'm not speaking of intensity, ie, light or dark). For those who see the one on the left as white and gold and the dress on the right as blue and black are able to see the differences in color among the images.
  7. Hey, I resemble that remark! = )
  8. All I can say about Mistress Koi's feet is that they do in fact smell - like honey!
  9. This reminds me of the Three Rules of life: Rule number 1: women are always right Rule number 2: women are always right Rule number 3: even when women are wrong, see Rule number 1 = )
  10. Hahaha! Mistress Fei, your twin sister, Kurley Fei is almost as beautiful as you, except that her lips are even more curly than yours! = )
  11. For me, it was eating alpha-bits or captain crunch watching Krazy Kat & Ignatz, courageous cat & minute mouse, colonel bleep, gigantor, Eighth Man, et al!
  12. Mistress Kang, you paint quite a cute image. I can just imagine you surrounded by Hello Kitty stuff. Was squatting on the bamboo bed the inspiration for the Tatami room? = )
  13. she was no strange bird, and actually quite a cute lamb, but she had extra curly lips! = )
  14. I like subtitles too. As long as they're well timed, I find that I get more focused on the movie. It's subtitlephilia!
  15. Mistress Fei, You always keep us on our toes!
  16. Have any mistresses, past or present been twins? Can you imagine? Jessy and Jazzy Kang! Lucy and Lacy Tran! Eva and Ava Koi! Mina and Tina Jung! Mia and Tia Zhao! Kelly and Kurley Fei! = ) Vivian and Lilian Lu! Emma and Anna Ree! We would overwhelmed by their beauty!
  17. I do, and, I promise, he has never shown up at the Fortress as me.
  18. Amazing technology. An here I thought Mistress Kang made up a new word "doggleganger"! Actually, I have an identical twin, so I guess that would make me a Doggleganger!
  19. Mistress Kang, you mean Dogzilla is not an honest and unfiltered representation of my doggie self? = )
  20. LOL!! Now I'm curious about the blah, blah, blah. Number 4 would be yada, yada, yada.
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