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About wayne

  • Birthday March 5

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  1. Thanks for the list. I can definitely relate to Elvis. My fetish is very strong, but can vary a lot. The two most important variables for me are how they appear(clean and good shape) and equally who they belongs too. Bye the way, just wondering where you picture takes place?
  2. Didn't mean to post only that! Hope everyday is happy. Thanks for all the insights with the topics we exchanged thoughts on, your humor and silliness, our sessions that are always special to me, and all your positive energy. Sending you loads of postive thoughts and energy your way!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Thanks Wayne!! I am grateful for all your kind words and sentiments. And hopefully we get to celebrate together soon!

  3. Hi Mistress Zhao,Happy Birthday

  4. Mistress Zhao, Exactly. You make such a good and simple explanation. It IS such a comforting feeling to be able to express the true about one's self. I try to do that as much as I can. It is beneficial to both myself and others, and hopefully to you too! Holding back on the truth, in any case, is basically a lie and that is always the most destructive thing any kind of relationship. To me, those few hours we have actually translate to a lot more positivity on the outside in most situations. Honestly, a long time back, I might have considered you to sort of freaky in a negative way, but now I see you as nothing less than very "normal" and so definitely positive. wayne
  5. Hi, Mistress Kang, Thanks. Your yourself are UNIQUE in a very good way, and I also approve of your user picture! (not that you would change it if I didn't...I assume I have no say in FF matters...you're the boss)
  6. Same for me, theotherone. But coming to the fortress also makes me even more aware of what I need to do, be myself, and better react with others. Even when all is fine. Thanks to Jessy and all.
  7. loveinthetimeofcollaring and MZhao, I couldn't agree more eighter. Forget things society says. They are often meaningless and "proof" is that social ideas are always changing, circular, and often contradicting. When you are with someome, you want them to know and react to "you" not who they think you are. With the reverse being true. Then it is a real and satisfying connection.
  8. Don't know how this would go over, but the first name that came to my head, assuming that this is the song list is LU2.
  9. Hi, Mistress Zhao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wayne


      Thank you, Dannyboy. I believe it will be completely better. Just always a little unfounded doubt till you know for sure. Waiting is the worse part. One thing for sure, I know I will be back at the fortress no matter what!


    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Hi wayne!! Sending positive vibes of healing and quick recovery you way! Sorry to hear that your nephew was hurt worse! I hope he's recovering too! Can't wait to hear this story :)

    4. wayne


      Thank you, I am off to a very good start. I believe you have a powerful mind and spirit, and will definitely help for a quality healing.

      Nephew is doing well too. I will transfer some of your energy to him.

      With a little bit extra time, the though of writing a song about you popped up in my mind.

  10. To me, i have felt very special connections. I don't always feel one with anyone, but that depends on two things. First on myself. I need to be "mindfulness", which mZhao mentioned. In that state, I am sensing a persons spirit, being open to anything. Without this, I would miss any opportunity to see into the other person. The next depends on the other person. I may sense that I just cannot feel the person "being with me" at the moment. if I do and can relate to the other, I feel a very strong connection. It is at moment that time does not matter. Two of us are in contact, validating each others being and experience with each other. enjoying and perhaps learning from each, without any doubt of what is being heard is what is meant. A great amount of energy and contentment envelopes me. It is a very good feeling knowing you are really with someone who understands you. There are times, when the opposite occurs. Although I was open and mindful, i was having dinner with someone. I would talk, she would talk, but I dont think any of us "heard" anything. it almost seemed I could have walked away, let someone else take my place, and the other person would have continued as usual with her conversation as if nothing changed! At fortress sessions, I find that there is always an exchange of openness with those I've been with, which always makes for a great session. However, the complete special connections i mentioned, seem to occur in a particular or particular mistresses. ...and these are always extra special and i am spiritually energized afterwords, in fact the energy and connection seem are always with me for good.
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