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  1. You want to ask the same question on the Devotee Forum, then the answer can be much more specific. But on the public forum, only so much can be discussed.

  2. Thanks! At what point on the 1-10 does pain start? Where does Brusing start? Flesh being cut? etc That's interesting. Despite her reputation, Mistress Tran was the gentlest of the 4 mistresses (Mistresses Haru, Jung, Kang and Tran) that I've sessioned with.
  3. What would you expect/get if you asked for Corporal Punishment at the various levels on this scale? How much harsher is Medium over Light? Heavy over Medium?
  4. [media=] [/media] A Woman has been seen taking a man for walk on a dog lead in a London street. No one seemed too upset by this! Is this possible at the Fortress? Or are the streets too dirty in NYC? http://www.independe...on-9254188.html
  5. [media=] [/media]I remember see this advert at the cinema. I can't say it inspires me not to be a litterbug!
  6. Reading the Fortress Ad: "Would a TRUELY Dominant woman wait all day for a man to come and pick her from a lineup? We don't think so." Gave me this thought: What if when you contacted the Fortress, you didn't get a choice about who you see, what would happen to you, or how long the session would last, you were just allowed to state the time you could arrive and your budget? Everything else being left to the whims of the Mistresses and whatever they felt like doing that day?
  7. I've never tried a 1 hour session. Two hours will fly by, and you'll probably wish you'd booked a longer session, I know I wish every one of my sessions had been longer!
  8. I believe Mistress Kang has a thing for the BBC's Sherlock, and happily season 3 is starting on New Year's day. Here's the Teaser Trailer: [media=] [/media]
  9. Mistresses, how do you feel about heavily scripted scenes? Right down to word by word lines and emoting... ...as written by the Mistress and to be performed from memory by the slave? Obviously with punishments for screwing up!
  10. I think last nights episode went from subtext to domtext!
  11. I must confess to shutting off my brain in session, but it's something I hope for, to stop thinking and analyzing and just feel, to experience things through a different lens. I'm afraid not, I'm strictly Kinsey scale 0! Although I wouldn't define myself as purely sapiosexual, although it's certainly a factor. A better analogy as far as I'm concerned would be to consider two axis Intelligence and health/beauty* with my level of attraction being proportional to the product of those two axis. *I wouldn't separate health and beauty as there is a strong relationship between the two. I think a puzzle missing some of its pieces missing might well be a good metaphor for me, I'm completely lacking in street smarts, and occasionally lacking in any common sense (In some respects its quite interesting how chronic stress can impair cognitive function, as I haven't been quite right since a couple of traumatic events last year).
  12. Yes, which is why I'll be sessioning exclusively with Stephen Hawking from now on!
  13. I had an amazing time with Mistress Tran yesterday, she really set the bar very high for the other Mistresses (I'll be seeing Mistress Jung today in about 2 hours). Apart from one moment that left me terrified enough to consider running from the room (that was due to a miscommunication, which upon reflection was my fault) Mistress Tran was mostly gentle with me, she didn't even leave any marks on me, something I'm aware she enjoys doing. I really wish I lived in the US!
  14. I have my first session scheduled for Saturday 7th (with Mistress Tran), and while I'm excited, I'm feeling a lot more nervous than usual, as so far this as been quite a different experience than I'm used to.
  15. I know exactly what you mean, I first contacted the fortress on the 1st of August, but my first session won't be until September 7th! It's driving me nuts, I keep thinking I should've booked a session for more than 2 hours.
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