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About JustAGuy

  • Birthday March 29

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  • Location
    Not NYC, sadly

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  1. JustAGuy


    Night night! See you in the morning (er, afternoon.)
  2. Question: How is Jessy like Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson? Answer: Bustin’ makes her feel good!
  3. JustAGuy

    Woe Is Me

    WHOA is you! Haha! Ha! Ha.
  4. I'll see you in a few weeks! *says a little prayer, gets affairs in order*
  5. Mirror, Mirror
  6. I'll be up there in a few weeks for a training session, but I'm sure the Mistresses will be super gentle...
  7. The good news: no bbq sauce on your boobs.
  8. JustAGuy

    Kang in Bangkok

    Are those spotlights in the background or are they folds in a giant tent? Either way looks like a really cool scene!
  9. I think I’ve posted this meal before but an omelette with a side of sausage and fries is EXTRA good when using it to end your weekly liquid cleanse!
  10. The Fortress brings me Memories of the best times Dreams of future bliss
  11. Oh Mami!
  12. JustAGuy

    Sushi with Bean

    All three of you are so adorable!🥰
  13. I didn’t know Japan had Klingons!
  14. I think I found Bean's Dad! The name's Bean. Mr Bean.
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