It's been a while. I had problems with my account but Mistress Ree fixed it It's been a year over due, but I still remember my first time with Mistress Kang like it was yesterday.
I was very nervous when I walked into the empty Steel Room, but when i saw the cage in the corner I just knew I had to be in it. I opened it from the top, and entered waiting on hands and knees. When she walked into the room, crouched down and smiled, it felt like love. Mistress Kang was absolutely breath taking with a holter top, a pleated skirt, and her grey panties. It was a two hour session, and for most of the first hour I was her dog. I drank from a bowl, and got fed peanut butter pop parts. At one point Mistress Kang mouth fed me water. The sweet mana a waterfall as it entered my mouth. I remember her asking me to tell her a secret, and spanked me when i didn't reply quick enough. I then told her that I wanted to try wearing a diaper, and about my fetish for breastfeeding. She left the room for a few minutes and came back with diaper in hand. After drinking so much water I really had to pee, so Mistress Kang made me tell her when so that she could feel it, except being on top of me made it difficult. After I wet myself like an infant, she asked for another secret to which I replied that I never made out with a girl. Mistress Kang, the goddess that she is, said that she would do it if I took a lash of her whip for each second of her kiss. Four Seconds equals four lashes, and each one stung even worse than the last, but the grin on my face lasted until the next day.