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About Teddymishka

  • Birthday November 5

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    Whatever my Mistress commands of me

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  1. Mistress Tran and Mistress Kang. After weeks of business travel I will be back in NYC. Can we finally have that well deserved special session?
  2. Mistress does that mean that we can finally have that earth shattering session we talked about? I hope so. Happy New Year from Hong Kong. Flying back tomorrow.
  3. Mistress Tran, Mistress Kang said she would write me soon as to what you two are planning. I hope you had a chance to read the story I posted on the Devotee site. I am anxiously awaiting her email regarding Saturday.
  4. Everyone has given you really great advice. My only suggestion is to share your true feelings and objectives. Do not be afraid to be 100% honest. The ladies are wonderful and will take you where you want to go and if you are lucky maybe further. Just be open and communicate your desires via email. Good luck and have fun....
  5. This is what my friend did. I am looking forward to see what she will try next as she gets ready to get her license.
  6. I hope you all like the picture that I loaded. It is totally appropriate. Mishka BTW is Russian for Bear AKA TeddyBear. Mistress Kang and Tran...I am a man of my word. You made a promise to me as I made to you. Mistresses....I look forward to having you email me what you would like to plan for my next trip in so that we can do all that you have planned and when I arrive, I am all yours. I truly hope we will hold each other to our promises and commitments. You both are very special to me and as you said I now am all yours
  7. Thank you! It was much more than I ever expected.
  8. It was very special. Mistress Kang, I love your use of special words.....:-) Mid October should work well and I cannot wait to hear the details.
  9. I do not have time to write all the details but Mistress Kang and Mistress Tran literally toyed with me for several hours yesterday. First I was helplessly bound so there was no chance of escape and as agreed no safe word. I liked the fact that the Mistress would do whatever she wished to based on the emails we exchanged. At one point they even lost count as to how many [chocolate twinkies] they put in my [manly moustache]. Then Mistress Kang decided she was going to [rollerderby] my upper ear. Even though at times the pain was high, it was never unbearable as both Mistressed demanded I look right in their eyes while then pushed another [chocolate twinkie] through and then say thank you. They then continued toying with pumps on my [manly moustache] which really sent the pain level through the roof with all those [chocolate twinkies]. The wonderful session concluded with some [square dancing] and forcing me to hold my breath as Mistress Tran laughed about it. The second half of the session was done with sounds by Mistress Tran which was new to me and then a lengthy [funnelcake] milking session while much more [square dancing] occurred. I even forgot about the [chocolate twinkie] in my upper ear. Thank you ladies for an incredible first session. Mistress Kang and Mistress Tran I meant everything I said. I will be back in NYC soon and I hope you will do what we discussed. You can mention it if you wish but I agree in advance for you to make the appointment for the three of us to go. I will comply if you want me to. Sending you both a big bear hug and much love and loyalty.
  10. Mistress Sunya, I was there yesterday and you can ask Mistress Kang and Mistress Tran about my toes. They loved them and I am a masculine guy who just happens to have toes that look amazing with polish on them. I have a friend who is studying and she does them free as practice.
  11. I was there yesterday for an amazing session and the next time I am there, I want Mistress Kang and Mistress Tran to honor me with this service.
  12. I just booked a 2 hour visit with Mistress Kang and Mistress Tran. I have learned a bit about edge play and want to take it much further. Any one here experienced with edge play? Please share your thoughts as I want this to be a mind blowing session that will leave me totally bewildered. Thanks
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