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Everything posted by mongoose

  1. I'm not a Stallion, I'm just an ass. Call me Au Hasard Balthazar.
  2. I don't practice occult but I've read a lot of Israel Regardie and do carry talismans in my wallet. I just don't really have the inclinations to pursue it further.
  3. Mistress Zhao I really like those new MC Esher-esque tats you got.
  4. I really don't fear ghosts. They fear me. Demons I fear. Don't mess with them.
  5. Yes, I am convinced I am a butt-head. No doubt in my mind.
  6. Not to spoil but the scene in "Hostel I"... where the guy is pulling out the girl's eye w/ a pair of plyers... was seriously disturbing. I'm so happy the guy shot the psycho but felt so bad for the girl. lol.
  7. Not only that, I'm surprised a pornstar wanted to date a moron like myself of such low emotional quality. :cool:
  8. Yeh, well I guess I'm ready for Spring. It would be nice if I could get some super-smart, sexy girlfriend before it really starts. Unfortunately, I've wasted a good portion of these last two months messing around with someone I shouldn't have...Mika Tan. Mistress Kang was right, I am an idiot.
  9. I fear Mistress Kang. I also have a fear of spiders crawling into my mouth while I'm sleeping.
  10. Truth be told I am a licensed professional structural engineer with a Master's in advanced structural design and a four year degree in economics. I may have the probelm of impulsivity from time to ttime. But when a Mistress calls me an idiot, especailly Mistress Kang, I'm nothing more than an idiot. Feels good to be foreced to swallow pride, not to mention a bit sexy.
  11. You're not a Mistress, moron.
  12. No, It wasn't planned. I'm just an idiot. Thank you Mistress.
  13. I like Mistress Zhao's brains. They're pretty god damn sexy. lol.
  14. Never mind. I thought you were talking about the #FF tag for twitter.
  15. There's something about a fine looking Asian woman mushing cream-filled cupcakes between her toes that kinda turns me on in real weird way.
  16. I never thought I'd have a sploshing fantasy but I just did.
  17. Yes, I agree MZ. I think I will book a session with you this summer I think. When I'm back in peak physical shape. Hope to see you soon!
  18. Bright Cherry Red with Silver Sparkes!
  19. It's one of those films that stick in your mind for a few days.
  20. Of course, that would be fun. I'd have to get the right pedicure attachments for the Dremel and slow down the RPMs.
  21. Have you ever seen that movie "Far North" with Michelle Yeoh? Your request of brushing your beautiful black hair reminds me of Yeoh's character, Saiva, sort of.
  22. Mistress Zhao is my fav. What kind of fun can we have with a Dremel tool? Wait, just kidding...really...
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