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Everything posted by mongoose

  1. Damn, Y/you A/all know how to bring it!
  2. Russian commandos do flying roundhouse kicks into each other's balls to show they're tough. The first guy to cry has to do the dishes for the whole unit.
  3. I found out about a thing called "ball bustin" on the internet. There's some dudes out there who like that. I don't think that would make me cry. I think I'd puke, then pass out and crack my skull on the floor. I don't care if that's the way to get a good position in the Emperor's court; I'd rather stay a peasant and get laid once in a while.
  4. My grandfather was the only "elder" in my life at the time who told me it was OK for a grown man to cry. He also told me to always carry condoms.
  5. I like how they match your earings!
  6. Thanks coil. After pondering my own psychology these days I definately have urges to do BSDM stuff; I've just always supressed those urges. I suppose society conditions you so you see those urges as wrong. Not that I'm a "if it feels good do it" type guy; far from it. I don't even drink or smoke; but I sure like to drip wax on the nipples Hahaha. Anyway; the future feels bright.
  7. I don't her personally or anything but she sure seems adroit in many ways from her posts. Came across this pic of Mistress Kang and her cherubic smile; sorta reminds me of that painting you see everywhere. I had a few questions burning a hole in my head. Is it true if a Dom ignores the "safe word" of a sub it coud be considered a crime at that point? I find that rather fascinating. Second, is that "thing" where someone puts stainless steel fishhooks through your skin considered BDSM? Usually afterwards they suspend you above the ground and swing you around, you know: fun stuff. I'd be very grateful for your erudite response. Thanks. /s/ mongoose
  8. I don't want to appear to be sitting on the fence. I want to look physically fit before a beautiful Asian woman masticates my supple flesh. Right now I'ma fat ass (too much guacamole and 70% dark chocolate). I think you'll find me a hard case anyway; It's difficult for me supplicate and I'm charmingly terse (as you can tell from my second sentence). I don't want to seem in contempt; this BDSM stuff looks serious (I saw some dude with about 6 needles in his dick on the forum here...the "serious" flag went up). I just have to deserve something cool like this and at the moment I don't deserve it. I also tend to shy away from things I consider sybaritic as well. I think very few men can say that once you get involved with a beautiful Korean woman who likes to tie you up; you're damaged goods for the rest of you life. (Man... you'll might as well... throw in... all the Chinese girls as well).
  9. You know what can happen if you get too cerebral... don't you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52pXvOFy1A4
  10. Dear Mistress Kang: This opens a big, velvetly red curtain of understanding for me. And I appreciate that. I see it as more Mata Hari and lot less Spanish Inquisition. /s/ mongoose
  11. http://www.latimes.com/la-na-torture-auction16-2009may16,0,4956522.story Thought some people would find this article interesting.
  12. I guess there's nothin' to it but to do it!
  13. Thought you meant credit cards.
  14. I have no clue what this is about nor do I know the parlance and mien of this cool place. All I know is I once had a real attractive Korean woman cuff me to the bed once... and I liked it. So if you don't mind maybe i'll absorb some stuff about Mistress Kang and her vixen minions and see it it's something for me or not. Thanks. /s/ mongoose
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