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Everything posted by shermie

  1. BITE ME!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
  2. We all will miss you!!!! :-(((((( Hurrry back to us, PLEASE!!!!!!!!
  3. Yup!!! Thank you. And, sooooooooooooo much more.
  4. Goddess Minnie, You have captured and enslaved me. My destiny and purpose is solely in your beautiful hands. I will be your pleasure and your pain. My spirit and my flesh will nourish your unspeakable, horrific cravings. You will skewer and disembowel me. You wll fillet and garnish me with pleasure/pain until I am totally consumed. I exist for your sustenance. Again, soon, very very soon.
  5. Minnie, I am drawn to you like a moth to the flame. You will sear my flesh and my soul. You are my salvation and my damnation. You are my temptress and my destiny. I am your plaything, your toy to be tortured and broken. I am your slave to be torn apart and devoured. My flesh will sustain and nourish your needs. Soon, very very soon.
  6. I will willingly come to your playmat. You will gaze into my eyes. You will establish hegemony. I will be defenseless. You will bind me. I will be helpless. You will joyously wisper into my ear the unspeakable painful things you will do to me. You will glow. I will sweat. You will smile. You will patiently and slowly explain how my pain and suffering will bring you pleasure. You will laugh. I will feel my will to resist drain from me. At your whim, I will suffer for you. I will submit. Soon, very very soon.
  7. Hand Worship (raises hand) is my big favorite. It is so sensual to worship the hand that gives the pleasure/pain. I need a cold shower now!!!!
  8. Bare handed is so much more friendly, up close, intimate and personal. A caress turns into a spank, a slap, a squeeze, a pinch, a tug,and back into a caress again. The back and forth of pleasure/pain is seamless.
  9. Hi all!!! This a neat new place. I hope we can all have lots of fun here. Shout-out to Jessy, Vu, Quan, Kim, and Minnie. Love you all.
  10. Me second!!!!!! I can't wait to get into the uncensored forum. I love you Jessy.I'm in pink in honor of Mistress Vu.
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