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Everything posted by Howard

  1. That is known as a Mystery Mistress Session. You state a date, approximate time frame, and length of session. The rest is left in the Superior Mistress Ree careful scheduling hands. I have not yet experienced one such session, but there are a number of posts on the subject from those who have. Definitely worth a go I would say. You enter the room and the rest as they say is history.
  2. A great decision. Let Mistress Zhao prepare you for your grand introduction to the other Mistresses of the Fortress.
  3. Phred, Mistress Tran in my session used the technique you posted about 4-6 minute songs. Continuous canning and dressage once the song started to its completion. Thought I was going to die each time. Songs never seemed to end.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phred


      LOVE your Belize picture! Been there many times, but not recently - amazing place!

    3. Howard


      I think that is Mistress Tran and Kang have that gift. It was killing me when it was happening, but I can not wait until the next session to do it again. Go Figure.

    4. Howard


      Belize is a wonder. Great oceanfront, reasonably priced homes, virtually ZERO taxes. Hard combination to beat.

  4. Also, congratulations Mistress Tran on your 2000 post. I milestone of importance that must be commemorated. Hopefully our session today was part of the commemorative process.
  5. I do not understand a work, but the talent and style clearly shows through. I am sure they will do very well.
  6. I would propose the role of Sorcerous for Mistress Fei a recent addition to the ancient Asian Dynasty you have now revealed. Ms. Koi, Haru or Sunya can be members of the Supreme Court of Punishment which provides immediate discipline as directed by the First Lady.
  7. I took a look last night and have to say I agree with Soze more than any of the other comments posted at this point. A poor effort not worth the time of the actors or the producer. Certainly not worth the time spent watching it. But this is just one persons opinion.
  8. This is a fantastic thread. The conundrum, who to choose. Make a selection of one and all others will not be amused. The only way to win is not to play the game. Suspense for the ages.
  9. Definitely good news, some of the Forum Devotee's were having panic attacks that could only be resolved by the Mistress Fei profile being displayed.
  10. A session opportunity for this weekend Mistress Tran.
  11. In addition to being Mistress Jung, she has assumed a new title = "Angel of Mercy". Either way, you are exactly correct in your description of Mistress Jung. I would also add that Mistress Jung has one of the sweetest voices that I have known. Fantastic presence.
  12. Several body parts come to mind which can benefit from this type of bondage. Perhaps every part at the same time????
  13. As usual another Mistress Jung conquest. The list is long, perhaps never ending.
  14. Enjoy Your Session with Mistress Zhao. One Hour with Mistress Tran and Three Hours with Mistress Zhao - Definitely an Extended Session.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Howard


      Excellant. The Tran/Zhao duo on Thursday and the finale with Mistress Kang on Saturday. Much to mentally prepare for as these sessions approach. As a minor suggestion, think multi-colored paper binder clips.

    3. Manpeach


      It was a busy weekend, I can't believe it flew by so fast.

    4. Howard


      Well those are the best kind of sessions. You barely notice the time flying by. Unfortunate they have to end and the reality of the real world intrudes.

  15. How goes the Fortressopoly game?

    1. Anubis


      It's coming along nicely, I should be ready to post an update soon.

    2. Howard


      That is great, if you need any help let me know. I would love to contribute more or act as a sounding board if you wish to test your thinking.

  16. Phred, what does you logo photo mean?

  17. You continue to inspire and taunt. Keep up the good work.

  18. I assume the volunteer dance card may be filled, but just in case, I am tossing my hat in the ring.
  19. http://showstudio.com/img/images/114201-114400/114385_960n.jpg?1391777916 Very nice. The artist really seemed to grasp his goal.
  20. You changed your picture, is this a quarterly event. I thought the other one was more outgoing.

    1. Dogzilla


      My icons change with the mood. I changed back t my old tail-wagging self. = )

    2. Howard


      OK, as long as you are happy and the tail is wagging that is the most important thing.

    3. Dogzilla


      A tail-wagging dog, is a happy dog! As long as his tail doesn't fall off, or worse, try to wag the dog! = )

  21. Well perhaps not sad from his perspective, but very nice and gentle. Talent when drawing. Everyone fills their fantasies in their own way.
  22. I like your new message - Reality can be very stressful for those in touch with it - No truer statement need be said.

    1. Manpeach


      I borrowed it from Lily Tomlin. I tend to be a pessimist. So I try to keep myself in a state of denial or confusion.

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