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About BDean

  • Birthday 02/20/1974

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    Queens, NY

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  1. His Hip Hop and BDSM weird? #drake

  2. I wonder about scripts too. Me and my wife are starting to play/flirt with her being a dom to me. It's embarrassing for me to admit to liking certain stuff, I just want her to understand and do it.
  3. I'm a walking bruise, black boots and blue jeans.

  4. Hi Jung's Jewboy, wanted to ask your advice: I’ve never had a bdsm experience before and I want my first to be at the Fortress. I finally worked up the courage to book a session but I can’t seem to get through. Am I doing something wrong? I hope it’s okay to ask you this. I don't want to give up hope, but I don't want to be annoying either. I’m new so I sincerely apologize if this is bad form, just eager to get started on my journey. thanks!

  5. I'm a noob, I'm baby potatoes, idk wtf, I'm all Al Green

  6. Mistress Haru, You're a genius. I'm nerding out on your sensory deprivation writing. I hope to bow down to you in person some day!

    1. Mistress Haru

      Mistress Haru

      Sensory deprivation is one of my favorite activities. A session can be an intense experience in and of itself, to play with the body's state to intensify is particularly intriguing to me.

  7. Connecting that theme and bdsm sounding lyrics there's this... Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees the war pig's crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing spreads his wings Tho it probably should be "her" wings... because they are the dark lords around here. And as the "madmen play on words" like you do, I'm sure you'll get to 2358
  8. Yes. I came to this forum after trying to book a session on the FF site. Then after reading what you Mistress Zhao, and other Mistresses have written, I have kind of been blown away by everyone's brains. And seriously getting a thrill out of your words alone. Tho a session would be nice to see that creativity in action.
  9. Let the right one in

  10. Mistress Sunya, the image of you as a girl researching torture techniques is terrifying and against my own self-preservation I find the idea of that influencing you as an adult extremely exciting. It reminds me of the Takashi Miike film, AUDITION!
  11. Dear Mistress Zhao, this is exactly what I want, to be at your complete disposal.
  12. A fantasy that scares me, is to hear plate ware and the kind of dry conversation of, bored, and very rich people. People not like me, and I am only welcome as entertainment. And even my outright torture and humiliation never seems to halt a conversation. A cut lash across my abdomen no more startling than a violinist in the corner. And the one last thing I have left, my anonymity is even taken away. When the door on the wooden box around my head, a door no bigger than that on a bird cage, is opened. After an an eternity in darkness, the chandelier is so bright in my eyes that I see the floaters on my retina. I am reeling from the shock of being exposed yet nobody stops eating. The humiliation is so brutal that I want nothing more than to be put back in my lesser hell. So the they close the little door, but remove my lead, and I wander, without direction, awkwardly and dumb.
  13. Yes. In my isolation, over and over again La petite mort, a thousand "little deaths."
  14. Mesh snap backs, a Pendleton buttoned tight around the collar. It’s subtle, but I would clench my jaw to pull the wool tighter around my neck. Kicking and pushing on my skateboard, the stiff inseam of my jeans would go taught and then slack, and I loved the feeling of cold denim against my knees. I hung out with kids that never made it to school but instead spent the morning lying against concrete of a drainage ditch that felt like sand paper. I used to brace myself against the incline with my forearms, so that it left abrasions I could admire throughout the day. I didn't know why I liked that so much, it seemed natural to be a boy and embrace that sort if thing. I'd let my board roll away from me, I liked to watch it careen out of control, waiting for the wood to smack against concrete. Sound seemed sharper when in the cold. I liked the look of it all too. Boys with pink cheeks, smoking someone's dad’s cigarettes. Whoever had a dad. Most of us were lady worshippers, mama's boys trying to look tuff.
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