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Everything posted by MrX

  1. That clip will forever be how I want to remember you, because it showed your real and unfiltered reactions if nothing else.

  2. What is it with asian women and Halloween? Not that I'm complaining (more like giving thanks), but they seem to be much more into it than women of other races/ethnicities, at least from what I can see. Again, for this I give thanks to the Almighty.

  3. As sports, love and romance are the ultimate equalizers. Only there in those arenas can a guy who's 6 foot 5 and 290 pounds get more than he can handle from a woman who's 5 foot 2 and 95 pounds. And there are no rules at all. Incomprehensibly awesome; proof there is a God.

  4. Fair to say I'm a bit discumbobulated (sp?) lately. Part of why I haven't been able to get it together to come in to see you. Worse case, will see you around the time I'm in town for a concert in November, best case, end of this month; sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrX


      No, nothing like this before. Picture a little boy putting his tongue in multiple light sockets. Ouch! And life is complicated otherwise at the same time. Anyway, your disposition with me has been so relentlessly sunny but I think this time I need some dark. I need you to be the girl who eats me for dinner when I try to leave the bar with her. I need to reconnect with my submissive side, big time. More on this later. :-)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Mmmmm, just what my ravenous appetite needs.

    4. MrX


      Bring your hungry, and I'll bring ... me!!!! :-)

  5. I'll not admit to having any "go-to" adjectives at all, but assuming "arguendo" that I did, "beautiful" would probably be at or near the top.

  6. Self-medicating with the company of beautiful women. A lot healthier than booze and a few other things, and infinitely more interactive than internet porn.

  7. Lost in last night's (epic?) multipart update was the fact that I need you, to sort everything out for me. Still scheduling things, but late this month, or early next. If you'll have me, that is.

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      I know you need me...to sort everything out for you ;-)

    2. MrX


      Pretty much. And, lest we forget, to tell me how it is, too. Life is really good lately. I wanna come in and share it with you. Soon; I have to solidify the schedule for my North American armpit town/gooberville barnstorming tour and then I'll come looking for you. Please be well in the meantime. :-)

  8. One of the many things I have always loved about women is their many feline qualities. Not the least of which is curiosity.

  9. The squirrel is getting some nuts for a change. Fuck yeah! Over and out.

  10. Sorry if that last update was a little too dark. It'll get better, always darkest before the dawn.

  11. You know it's bad when you get the feeling your wife is trying to play you worse than the strippers you're trying to bang on the side. Good times, good times.

  12. Dating and relationship advice from a dominatrix. Dare I follow it? That's the $64,000 question.

  13. I have it from a very authoritative and persuasive source that I don't undestand anything about women. Well yeah.

  14. Tonight we established (1) I'm no player; and (2) I have no game. The less we say about Kumi (sp?), the better; wasn't quite my particular slice of weird. Also, if I EVER run on at the my mouth like that again, please tell me to STFU and inflict some serious pain. Finally, you looked so tan! Beautiful.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MrX


      (pt2) The emergence of Mai. 25 yo Vietnamese stripper I met at Cheerleaders in Philly (strip club). Had friend/wingman grab her and tell her to come see me because I had a thing for Asians. Numerous lap dances, exchanged digits, told her I wanted to see her outside of the club. Getting together with her for first time tomorrow afternoon (while I'm allegedly at a tech conference/event for work). We'll see.

    3. MrX


      (pt3) The persistence of Crystal. Haven't gotten much going with her except endless flirting, hugs and witty repartee when I come into see her at Han Dynasty. All her friends/coworkers giggle at the silly roundeye chasing after her, and I pretend I don't notice. Not sure what I'm doing on this one. I like her, though. She plays the piano and we compare notes about things we've played. Long term project I guess.

    4. MrX


      (pt4) So there is your update. I don't think any of these are destined to be my next ex-wife, but they're all very pretty, built like brick shipyards, nice (albeit with varying degrees of crazy), and being around them sure makes me feel better about things.

  15. I'm so bad baby I don't care . . .

  16. F.X. McGoober here. Hopefully you're celebrating your birthday in much style and having a great time. See you soon, but not soon enough.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrX


      You, me, crazy stories, gory details, and much much more! It will be a total win!

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Win for me, yes. Win for you, we'll see ;)

    4. MrX


      I'm fine with living with that uncertainty in between now and then.

  17. when one door closes, .....

  18. I've heard it said that marriage is betting someone half your shit that you'll love them forever. That's crap. Marriage is betting someone half your shit that you'll BOTH love each other forever. BIG difference.

  19. Good thing I can't access this site at work. Saves me getting fired for improper internet use/excessive workplace masturbation. WHAT. :-0

  20. Equation: insatiablly hungry ego + inexhaustible source of affirmation (longing to be consumed) = gorgefest (and happy ego). Just sayin'

  21. This thing feels good and costs nothing to give, but feels even better when it comes back, even when heavily refracted

  22. (Pt. 1) Watching you, watching me (in the mirror) watch you. Don't worry, I only betrayed a fraction of how good it all felt. As is well documented, I maintain rigid control of my emotions and NEVER blurt out or write ANY crazy things whatsoever; not even once. This is my competitive advantage. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrX


      (Pt. 3) I have no pictures for you, sad to say. There was a waitress at Jin who seemed a candidate, until her brothers/uncle/dad started cockblocking me and almost threw me out of the bar. There's a lesson there. In any event, I'm not sure that "shaftal" is a proper word, but you made it work. :-)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Goober, I can make *anything* work ;-) No pictured, huh? I'm not in the least bit surprised.

    4. MrX


      My heart really wasn't in it for whatever reason, although she was pretty and nice to talk to. Guess you laid me out so flat that I didn't have the eye of the tiger. Either that or the years on the sidelines have taken away from my game. Stay tuned for more lame excuses here as matters progress. :-)

  23. Officer, I have no idea how that pallet of iPads ended up in the back of my truck. Honest. People trying to set me up.

  24. I need you, to tell me how it is (some more).

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Oh get off it, you just need me, period.

    2. MrX


      That's a bold statement. In any event, perhaps, but I'll never let on for sure.

  25. "Breaking rocks in the hot sun. I fought the law, and the ....."

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