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Everything posted by MrX

  1. Also, you are obviously very much in demand, so much so I'm having problems getting our schedules to match so I can come in to see you. I'll have my people talk to your people and we'll work something out soon I'm sure. :-)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Your people were not needed. I worked everything out ;-)

    2. MrX


      For which I am most grateful. Ju Ju beads for you, if I have time to find some good ones while I am in New Orleans.

    3. MrX


      Also, Mina, while napping today, dreamed that you came to visit. I was living with my folks in a beat up apartment. You busted in with 4 friends and took over the bathroom for 3 hrs. doing hair and makeup. Such a boss. In addition, as usual, 1 of yr colleagues was also in the dream, as a character in a weird Japanese sci/fi movie I was watching on the TV. Then I woke up; the end. :-)

  2. Tried Casa Mezcal (which you suggested) tonight with 2 of my clients; it was a revelation. Cucumber infused margaritas and an interesting nacho type thing. [?#?] margaritas later I left the place thinking I may have a new place to lick my wounds after sessions at the fortress.

  3. If a woman comes at me head on, we end up butting heads like two rams on the side of a hill. If she sidles up to me and gives me a sugar cube or anything sweet, I come along quietly like a little lamb.

  4. I just might be . . . the thigh kissing bandit.

  5. Do people ever patronize the Fortress because they're feeling stuck in between? Rhetorical question no one needs to answer.

  6. (Part 2) My go-to adjectives and adverbs include but are not necessarily limited to the ones in the Oxford English Dictionary. I have more than a few. :-0

  7. (Part 1) I notice that the sessions are becoming increasingly invasive, with you taking increasing advantage. Hope you're pleased with yourself. ;-) These sessions ARE serious business; if you only knew (or maybe you do). Anyway, you "stay" with me between sessions, I've found.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Delightfully rough...

    3. MrX


      And how. Sent an email to booking earlier this morning; need some info on availability so I can schedule a time to come in to see you again.

    4. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Delightful for me. Rough for you.

  8. Thanks for cameoing in the session yesterday; you flew in, kicked my ass (literally)', flew out, and looked like a goddess doing it. Just like a rockstar. I have some bruises to remember you by. How did I look? Spectacular? Don't answer that question.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      You looked like a big ASS

    2. MrX


      I don't doubt it.

  9. wondering how scared I should be about tomorrow on a scale of 1 to 10

  10. Remembering your unique humor with a smile; your take on the ant/grasshopper fable (ant should go big or go home), your suggestion that I should "freeball it" down the hall to the shower, and others. Your humor kind of curls around softly and quietly and then all of a sudden, "smack." Kind of like you. :-)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      What an accurate description, one I take as a lovely compliment :)

    2. MrX


      Haven't been on this in a while; yet another pleasant surprise to see your message just now. Yes, I meant it as a compliment, and I'm not April foolin'. Trying to free up a Wednesday evening in April to come see you again, or something. Much happening. Will be in touch shortly.

  11. Hey, thanks so much for this afternoon; I really needed that, and I'm not kidding. A few thoughts: (1) I'm sorry I was such a sweathog. On the bright side, it meant I was well hydrated. Note that I didn't cramp up at all during the session. (2) You tease me about it, but if someone beat the snot out of you for two hours, it would take a while afterwards for your sentences to make sense and for your gait to get steady again. (3) Even though I knew that severe pain was about to...

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Hello and you're welcome! No need to apologize for your excessive perspiration, I like squeegeeing it off ;) And regarding your after session condition, I wouldn't want it any other way ;-)

    2. MrX


      Excellent; our goals are alligned. All I'll say further is that it is delicious thinking about walking (wandering?) down the street afterwards and realizing I can barely remember conversations I had with people I ran into at that point. Need to replicate this.

  12. You know, i never did (and don't now) ever come to the Fortress looking to put up a fight or offer any meaningful resistance. See you Tuesday.

  13. Have a tendency to blurt some things out when blind/fall down/chunk blowing drunk. Human after all, I suppose.

  14. Have a tendency to blurt some things out when blind/fall down/chunk blowing drunk. Human after all, I suppose.

  15. I could see my way clear to muching and kissing on those more than a little bit. I do massages for feet and other body parts too but beware, they are habit forming for all involved! Ask your colleagues if you don't believe me. ;-)
  16. Eventually made it home safely, but didn't so much walk out of there as I STAGGERED out of there and WOBBLED down A. Street. Was shaking for a good long while but not from the rain and the cold. For future reference: when I'm not saying much (or anything) and I'm giving you that puppy dog/little lost lamb look, that means I'm really deep into some kind of sub space. Did I even say 20 words the whole time? Not sure. Anyway, I expect I'll see you at some point in March....

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I expect to see you then as well.....and no you didnt say much...but horses dont really say much anyways.


    2. MrX


      I guess they don't. I'm okay with leaving the higher order mental functions like talking and thinking to you during sessions. :-)

  17. Hey Mistress Tran: Boxer the Horse (a/k/a Rob) here. Coming in to see you on Thursday. It occurred to me that last time I came to see you, you turned me into a dog and I ended up bleeding all over the bathroom floor from my elbows. Now that I'm going to be a horse, I'm thinking maybe some kneepads might be in order as a protective measure. Just a thought. :-) See you soon.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Maybe...depends if I feel like being nice haha

  18. Mistress Jung, Rob here. During our session tonight you made me feel really good; better than I've felt in a good long while. Thanks for that. I want to experience that feeling again, so . . . . :-)

  19. Mistress Tran, we have a session scheduled for this Friday afternoon. (This is Rob). Apart from what I wrote in my introductory emails I'd like to try some dog training and would like to experience Waldo again. I got very excited when I started reading your posts to see how much you were into the mental aspect of everytihing. Can't wait to see you.

  20. mZ, I'm all talk and no action these days, and that's no good.

  21. Can I just amend my answer to say lovingly, but with significant frustration, that I've never been able to make any sense out of women, asian or otherwise? But I still can't do without them? Ok I'm done.
  22. I would like to think that there are those who are at first intensely attracted on the surface to both the perceived physical and nonphysical asian female archetypes, but who also have enough life experience and discernment to dig deeper, so to speak. People are like snowflakes.
  23. Well, when I'm thinking about spanking it to some BDSM porn themed video (which has been known to happen on occasion), I go to xvideos.com. I think they host videos for free. Youporn and Redtube have a lot of videos too, and free hosting I believe, but the content is more vanilla.
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