So if I understand correctly, you appear more open minded at first to ease the other into sharing his/her opinion, then flip their close-mindedness into a more receptive stance?
I'm into it! Now, is it only in sharing your opinions that this instinct crops up?
Ah, interesting, the complexity of your dominance strikes a chord with me, I too have been thinking about my incredibly fluctuating sense of dominance, and the intricacies within it. I've recently been thinking about the idea of simplicity, how NOTHING, and i mean absolutely nothing is what it seems- everything is a combination of paradoxes, overcompensations, and opposites- the liar is the most honest of all type of stuff- often I'm questioned as to why I invest my time in a certain person that might not seem appealing to others for whatever purpose he/she is serving, but I know deep down that what's presented is often masking its very contradictory instinct that takes time and effort to uncover. It's at the Fortress we are really exposed to these clear-cut opposites- the most submissive and docile in the playroom might not, and usually is not at all that way in life.
For me, I've found this playing out in different ways.. it's always the person I feel the most with that I'm unable to communicate those feelings to, that I might act the most blasé towards. It's the text message that takes me days to respond to, that might look like I didn't care when really, I cared so much and that's why it took me so long. I'm glad there are people like you who exhibit and understand these hidden binaries so that I know at least we're not all being looked at in such a singular way.