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Mistress Fei

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Everything posted by Mistress Fei

  1. Why don't you all arrange a trip out here to see us?
  2. Nice to meet you! I saw 2 of the sausages in the fridge after. I can only imagine where the other 2 went. Yum!
  3. You guys are making me blush!! Tainted Wisdom, I'm so glad I was able to affect you that much. It takes a great sub to deliver a great session so you had just as much to do with the power of our time together as I did. Hope to see you again soon to continue our spiritual journey I learned how to tie that complicated head harness just for you by the way!! It was my first time doing it. Let's definitely chat about what you'd like to explore next time. X Fei
  4. Probably when he got dressed and I stopped torturing him!!!
  5. What a great way to describe M. Zhao. She does indeed emanate very strong compassion and empathy. All the while very capable of being sadistic She's a complex and unique Mistress for sure.
  6. I was in a session with a sub recently who said that crying to him was a release much like climaxing To see tears in his eyes was very powerful and moving
  7. I just saw this today. Although genius, her demographic will most likely remain at 13-15 year olds as she states because she's unable to replicate more complicated textures and higher end products. This is really for people to experiment with color choices, but more mature women tend to stick to neutrals or colors that are more wearable and wearable colors are vastly available. Michelle Phan the beauty blogger she's referring to would definitely be interested in this product. Her story is a fascinating one. It is true though that some higher end products do use the exact same formulas as lower end products with their appeal being mainly brand and color selection, but some holy grail products that are best sellers only sold so well because of their unique formulas that can't be made in a printer. Also the idea of wearing something on my skin that came from a printer is off putting... Otherwise I'm on board, she definitely tapped into a hole in the market. Smart cookie.
  8. The physical tends to reflect the mental, doesn't it? When you're disarmed by being disrobed, it's a new level of intimacy and comfort.
  9. I just saw disclosure perform at coachella- I had artist passes so I was right next to the stage and my heart and ears were pounding. They take it to a mindbending next level- will have to show you footage the next time I see ya. I like this remix a LOT
  10. Hi Thomas- we mistresses take the utmost care of our hygiene but when requested, we do our best to accommodate. You should book in advance so we know to prepare, and it would be best if you book an early session. You really can't go wrong in choosing a mistress. It just depends what kind of feet attract you.
  11. Did you have to adopt smokey with another kitten? I had to! He's adorable.
  12. Manpeach, I took both of my kittens to the vet yesterday and today to get fixed. The first day I was supposed to take both but one wouldn't go. Took a few trips and a few different carriers to finally get both there. I then got a call to tell me the genders of both were not what I thought- I always had doubts but now it's confirmed the boy is a girl and the girl is a boy. Now I have to rename them. When I first got them they peed and pooped all over my apt and one time when I left on a trip they flooded my house by turning on the faucets in both the bathroom and kitchen which extinguished the pilot light and filled my apt with gas. A serious liability
  13. My friend sent this to me on Friday!! I wonder where he found it, maybe he's a secret participant on this forum.........
  14. Looks like it elicited quite a strong reaction out of you. I admit I really disliked the movie when I watched it first for reasons you mentioned. But I do think after watching it again it has it's redeeming qualities. It seems on other message boards and in reviews, the opinions tend towards either really loving the movie or hating it.. The polarity is interesting!
  15. Great to hear your 2 cents Anubis. Seems like you thoroughly thought about all the depicted sessions. Makes me want to rewatch!
  16. Brilliant reading, B. Truly impressed by your level of insight. Although, I think that Michael does indeed have people around him especially in Paris who do say to his face how much of a loser they think he is, and he is outwardly hurt by it which doesn't seem to make sense if he actually seeks out and enjoys this type of treatment. I don't actually see him as in control throughout the majority of their relationship.. she sets strict boundaries and slowly does she allow him to come closer. She has all the control until he forcefully takes it from her in their first sexual encounter. The scene happens half out in the courtyard and half inside her home. I find this very symbolic. There are a lot of inconsistencies that make me think the story isn't strong yet it seems to work on another level that is more complex. I have seen 500 Days of Summer and I really liked it!
  17. Literally Interesting idea no? Thoughts? http://www.peterbrooke-ball.com/
  18. Just stumbled across one of the most beautiful S&M spreads I have encountered this year. Of course it's shot by one of my favorite fashion photographers Nick Knight. His photos are something else. So evocative. YOU'RE WELCOME http://showstudio.co...itorial_gallery
  19. Always the weirdest game show contests!! I heard about one that involved a girl having to look at and feel a bunch of hard ons and figure out which was her dad's. EW!
  20. Has anyone seen this film? What are your thoughts on the portrayal of SM and the dynamic between the main characters, specifically the power exchange when she's a domme and he's a sub, and then in public? Same, or different? Interested in all readings of this film. Have thoughts of my own but would like to hear yours.
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