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Everything posted by ConsentOptional

  1. They leave roses and cognac at his grave. Someone probably nicked the cognac. And all I loved, I loved alone.
  2. From an episode of This American Life, which kicks off with a fun opener about a can of olives and includes an amazing interview with astronaut Frank Borman. Then concludes with this story from Dorian Missick, grappling with and finding his sub side with "Mistress Cassie". The rest is here.
  3. "...at some point I realized she knew I didn't have any answers and was pleased by the fact since it meant there would be no way to end the ordeal...."
  4. The secret dominatrix fantasy is my favorite. "I don't know this neighborhood, would you mind walking me to my car? ...it's just a little further ...I think it's down this alley...." And so on.
  5. Dim Sum & tea at Nom Wah. It's tucked away on the curve of a crooked street and feels like it's full of ghosts.
  6. For any en femme session and because it's your first session, I would do at least 90 minutes or 2 hours if you can swing it. You have a bunch of new sensations coming your way. You don't want to rush away from the person whom you can talk about them with. As you can see from her posts and images here, Ms Zito has as many facets as a Lazare Kaplan. And you're about to discover a few of your own. Savor. You'll be glad you did.
  7. The flannel is attempting to contradict the usual elegant mystique. The flannel is not succeeding.
  8. True, but our milieu being what it is, most of us have given it serious thought in Home Depot.
  9. I don't take it very seriously at face value. I love it as a roleplay idea though. Going to a hypnotist to be "cured" of my increasingly dark mind-control and feminization fantasies only to find someone who believes issues like smoking and over-eating need to be "cured." But mind-control and feminization? Not so much....
  10. Adding psychological reprogramming to a captive scenario is just scorching. I have a "thing" for female supremacy. I find it an inescapable conclusion in some ways, and not simply as a submissive. Looking at the world's macro level problems, I just don't see female-led governments struggling with them the way men have. But in sessions, FS has tended to be served up as angry retribution with a dollop of man-hating. Which is inherently not "superior." Men can give us that much. I'm looking for a benevolent dictatorship. A ruthless, mind-controlling dictatorship - but benevolent... Like the Aldo picture in my avatar. It "reads" to me as forcing him become a better version of himself. He'll thank them later. Maybe much later... I would also caution Redhat, who started this thread, that if he is drawn to "forced submission" sessions, his cross-dressing/feminization taboos may not survive in the long run. I used to list those as hard limits, later soft limits, later vague interests... Then I wanted to be the guy in the Aldo picture.
  11. It doesn't have to begin outdoors - with all those added logistics. Unless that part is important to you. It could be a job interview where it becomes clear after a few minutes that you have been selected for some reason other than what's on your resume. And what are all those, those things hanging on the wall... And why is the interviewer dressed like that... Who are these other "interviewers" coming into the room now... Why is the door locked.... Or you have been sent to the offices of one of your company's VIP clients, FF Enterprises. You are supposed to drop off some "important papers" - or so you have been told. Unknown to you, to keep the lucrative FF account happy, your company has agreed to periodically ... give them someone. That's right - "give." As in gift, plaything, toy. Someone for FF to do with as they please. And what pleases them is quite twisted. FF Enterprises has asked to have you sent over. They like you. So naive, so trusting, so corruptible... You don't even know why you've been sent there, do you, you with your silly envelope filled with blank sheets of paper.... Or the clinic where the lady doctor asks you to sign a consent form. Perhaps if she were not wearing that dress and those shoes and looking at you that way, you would have been juuuusssst a little more careful reading the form before signing. Turns out you have agreed to participate in a long-term mind-control experiments using strict restraints, invasive therapies, psychological reprogramming... Next time, read before signed. Of course, there won't be a next time for you.... The possibilities are endless. All without leaving the comforts of the Fortress.
  12. If you looked at me like that and said "get in the trunk, co".... Not saying what would happen, but hope you don't have a lot of stuff back there.
  13. Shoot, I thought you said "bitches." CO, slinking back into the cage....
  14. Magnificently dangerous woman.
  15. Agree, agree, agree some more. It's like having a favorite color. I don't and can't. It is this color with that one. Hopper's morning blue is beautiful because of his red brick and his green shop windows and his long shadows. I can't pick one of those. I could say bondage, since I never want a session without bondage. I want to feel my elbows touching behind me. But that wouldn't be a session unless the sluttiness of the position were pointed out. But that wouldn't be a session unless it resulted in a quest to find out just how slutty. So I could say mind-control. But I want to be afraid, and fear breaks the spell of mind-control. I need to feel safe. But in a world of trouble if I don't obey. Or even if I do. That's my fetish. CO-ness? I can't find it in google.
  16. The professional/institutional entrance and gradual cutting off from the outside world is ideal for my scenes. It's as if you have left a trail of bread crumbs to find your way back to the world you know and turn around to see that the birds have eaten every morsel. Can you elaborate on "deceiving roleplay"? Chances are over 99 out of 100 that I love whatever it was.
  17. I don't know what your scene is. Some things have their own prep. Hydrate for sure. Especially if interested in challenging bondage. Sleep (good luck with that if it's your first though...) Clean every orifice, pit and naturally occurring cleavage as close to the time of the session as possible. Just remember you are bringing a lifetime's worth of mental imagery to this moment. Even if you were able to pack that coherently into the email to Ms Ree, your domina, in her capacity as your tour guide and adult (yes...) chaperone will expend much more effort and craft reading physical you than cyber you. You don't know what you don't know. She kinda does. Let it happen. Ms Shankar just seems mesmerizing; some kind of ethereal calm that is sooooo seductive to a certain kind of sub. A memorable outing awaits.
  18. You're like the last Bond girl. The one we never heard about because 007 never had a chance and is still in the dungeon to this very day.
  19. I have something like a coin-operated fantasy generating machine for a brain. This post is like depositing $12 worth of quarters. Lie down on this table, co. That's it. Now let's get all that tension out. Stretch your arms out as faaaaar as you can. Good boy, very obedient. Oh, those? They just help you maintain that position so all the tension can be released. You can tell me if they're too tight on your wrists. Now let's take care of your legs too. Even more tension there I'll bet. Mmmmm, you look very natural this way. Stretched, helpless. Looking up at your Goddess and wondering if something is not quite right here. But you also know you have a better chance at powerball than saying 'no' to someone who looks like me, don't you little one? None of you little bitches can resist latex, poor things. And now look what's happened. Let's just pull those restraints a little tighter, shall we. Yes, dear, I did say you could tell me if it was too tight. I didn't say I would do anything about it though. I just like hearing you plead. You really must stop jumping to these conclusions about controlling what happens to you though. Anyway, I have much better uses for your pretty mouth....
  20. Feels like the Bond girl who says "follow me." It's down a corridor, just a few lights along the way, and further and further from street or other voices, but can't help myself....
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