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Tyro Tim

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Everything posted by Tyro Tim

  1. Not to give anyone any ideas……dinner and domination involving chastity play. Key gets transferred from the neck of your Mistress to that of the innocent waitress mid-meal. Mind: Fucked.
  2. Everything old is new again. Curious to raise the question anew, to see how the current residents might address the question. I personally am more aroused by the mental rather than physical aspects so very hopeful that the renewed question gains at least some traction. Anyone?
  3. No dreams of sugarplums going through my head today. Rather thinking about being brought down a peg (or two) by you and your Mentor.
  4. I like the sound(ing) of your interest in medical play. I hope to be able to schedule an appointment in 2023 as I suspect the demands for your time may well exceed the availability.
  5. …I enjoy my vision of what it means to be your bitch. Curious to know and experience yours.
  6. My New Year’s wish is to help you surprise yourself in finding other things you enjoy.
  7. Do yourself a favor and book a 2 hour session with Mistress Sato. She knows what you want and need long before you do. Take time to communicate (which includes listening) and my strong suspicion is that you’ll be happy you did. Trite but true: Thank you Mistress Sato
  8. If that proves to be too high for your comfort you can always slide a little lower, should that be to your liking.
  9. Always like to support study and research. I’m in.
  10. Not a rider, but this photo certainly sparks images and fantasies of being ridden…
  11. Having just streamed Doom Patrol on HBO Max I feel obliged to add Diane Guerrero to this list.
  12. Given the pent up demand for these expert ladies, book early. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Once you’re sure you’re ready, make the appointment. My opportunities are limited, and I now need to wait even longer to bask in the aura of Mistress Mina Jung. I hope the adage continues to prove true: anticipation makes the heart grow fonder.
  13. Not knowing the overseas differences, I would certainly be interested in any elaboration you care to pride.
  14. Coming from a repressed background, my first thought when seeing this, on this forum, was of course sexual in nature. The first time a girl undid my belt and reached inside my pants eagerly is a very fond memory. The thought of a hand willingly and enthusiastically touching and stroking me for the first time - that’s my contribution to the responses to your question (and the eye contact is also very fondly recalled)
  15. Obvious question. Why didn’t you mention any of the Harry Potter books?
  16. I’d add The Lord of The Rings trilogy into the discussion. I know that I eagerly awaited the 2nd and 3rd films once I had seen The Fellowship of the Ring.
  17. I can’t imagine the rent for the apartment facing yours.
  18. Missandei, because she’s loyal and intelligent. Even though she can’t consummate her relationship in the traditional sense, she remains fiercely devoted. She also has the nude scenes that I most look forward to.
  19. Perhaps it is her role in Legion, but I see an excitement in her eyes and perhaps just a touch of evil. She is also reported to be somewhat adventurous (not that it’s any of my business) which is why I mention her here.
  20. For those old enough to remember the reference, I defer to Ann Landers.
  21. Generally speaking, do you prefer to request a specific room, ask NOT to be in a particular room, or just leave the choice in Ms. Ree’s more than capable hands?
  22. My inner slut would choose B in this binary scenario. The ideal would be for a relationship with one Mistress who shares/pimps me out, but that’s not what you asked.
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