one of my top fantasies actually! for Mistress to tattoo all kinds of naughty things all over my body. all for her amusement and pleasure! oh how i want .. i did have a Dom a few years ago who requested i get the letter "M" tattoo'd just under my balls. so while she banged away with my legs up over her shoulder she could she her mark. unfortunately some time passed and she died. rip Vics. miss her.
once on an episode of CSI (the original series) Grisom visited a Dungeon and at one point in the episode he said to the Mistress .. "the submissive is the one in control"
hmmmm ... that was years ago and i still reflect on it ...
pensive thought
I love the 80's!! I started to teach aerobics in 1988!! I actually came across a photo set today on C-Heads Magazine and a website that offers Authentic 1980's freestyle aerobics still .. in Australia!!
let's see if I can post a link .. not sure I know how .. heehee
fetlife is pretty empty ... as is most social networking. i guess i'm tired of people not being real ... i want real. guess i'm just testing the waters .... looking for like mindedness
certainly didn't intend for it to be cryptic. i'm a simple man. simple queries. are you real or are you something else? person vs personality. often people fake their way into others lives simply to suck the life out from under them. spanks for the fakes!! kisses for the reals!!!!
in all our adventures kinky or otherwise .. can it be said that the personality out shines the person seen bare before us? and if not so ..... what must become of this person?