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Everything posted by sissyrobbi

  1. well. I think an overnight cage locking accommodation would be ideal. heck .. who needs 2 star? I mean really!!!
  2. no? should I .. must I? I shall
  3. hell ya ... just stick me in an ole closet or something
  4. Mistress Zhao copy paste copy paste

  5. hi. i love to travel and love NY! however, i'm tired of doing the "tourist" thing and was wondering if anyone had suggestions on where to stay in NY (preferably close to the Fortress)! i just wanna be like one of youuuuu!!! haha! cheers itty
  6. once upon a midnight bitch slapping

  7. guests of 'the fortress' stay at the exqusite 'insert hotel name here' please
  8. i don't know .. i'm just a curious fool
  9. how can i be cool in my uncoolness .. fit where i dont feel like i belong ..... to be owned by Her ... illusion or reality ... my part time love Dominatrix Z Mistress .....
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