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About joops4u

  • Birthday 06/15/1974

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  1. Hmmm....tried posting this yesterday...really really want to win because I have a case of raging Vu fever and her panties would be a perfect cure: 1: Zhao 2: Jung 3: Kang 4: Choi?
  2. This is really hard!!! 1: Zhao 2: Jung 3: Kang 4:Choi I have been horribly sick with Vu fever lately and am really trying to win...
  3. Hello Mistress Tran, Scents to me are very powerful emotionally and sexually. Aside from the normal freshly showered, unperfumed woman smell, I like the scent of a woman who has been exerting herself (sex, exercise,hot Vu yoga)...this kind of sweaty smell can be intoxicating for me. But there is a fine line I guess...the smell of someone's feet that have been trapped in plastic clogs all day on a hot summer day...that cheesey smell...is a big turn off. Smell is also humiliating to me. I make a point to shower 2-3 times a day because I HATE to smell bad. Yet I remember one time I decided last minute to session with sweet Mistress Vu. It was a hot summer day and I forget why, but I initially did not have access to the shower facility. When I stripped down I realized I smelled bad and Vu noticed too and I think it ranks as one of the top 3 most humiliating moments of my life. I felt so bad for Vu, and SOOOOOOO ashamed of myself.
  4. Aktiravn....I would be careful cause Mistress Kang can talk about Vu's foot odor safely, but I doubt any of us can. Beware your nipples and balls!
  5. LOL!!!! REALLLLLY??? Wow, I have a dogs sense of smell and even in the summer never got a wiff of any foot funk on her. It is so cute....such a pretty woman has stinky feet. But with all her boots and bare feet I can imagine it.
  6. Not Mistress Vu...she smells wonderful and is always clean...I once wanted to sniff her panties and when she gave them to me...there was only the smell of fabric...then she brought in her laudry bag...fairly full...and had me sniff everything in it. I don't know if she even needs to shower. And even in summer when her feet are sweaty, they had no scent, but were delicious!
  7. Mistress Kang, You should be up for CEO of the year. You run such a terrific organization. CEOs and business leaders can learn a lot from you and the way you run your business...and then learn their place under your heel!
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