This was my first session with Mistress Koi. i selected a schoolgirl bully scenario wherein i was Her gym teacher and i kept Her after school for picking on a boy during class. During detention, however, She got the upper hand on me and demonstrated how She had turned the highschool football star into Her whimpering, badly beaten, and humiliated plaything. Mistress Koi looked and played the part of the consummate, sexy school girl - Her sweet, innocent face concealing cruel, sadistic intent. Schoolgirl Koi immediately got me under Her thumb with Her seductive sensuality. Before i knew what was happening i found myself seated before Her, wilting beneath Her beautiful, malevolent stare, agreeing to let Her show me what had happened. i will never forget the lesson that followed: the brutality of Her face slaps, the drenching humiliation of Her saliva dripping down my face, the hypnotic lilt of Her cute, girly voice constantly commanding my obedience, the gleaming intensity in Her eyes as She pinned me to the table with Her hands and foot, the erotic helplessness i felt as She wrestled me, the dig of Her razor sharp fingernails tearing my flesh to shreds, the scorpion sting of Her pastel whip as i moaned, “Yes, yes!” over and over :wink: i could go on and on singing Mistress Koi's praises, but would recommend that you worship Her in person.
WG (aka Crucified Clergyman)