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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Good man!! Your bravery will be remembered for years to come.
  2. Hmmm…I just assumed Mistress Kang was always in a good mood. I’ve never seen her when she wasn’t laughing at me.
  3. Ah you beat me to it!! Bummer 😂
  4. It would be hard to be both your favorite dumb mule and favorite pet pigeon. But I’m willing to give it a try with the right training .
  5. Thank you. I won’t let you down
  6. @JustAGuy you’re up!!! 😁
  7. I’m going to have to learn how to use this new fangled technology, the facsimile. I normally apply tor jobs like this using carrier pigeon or smoke signals.
  8. Uh oh!! Now there is 2 of them 😉
  9. The look on Mistress Kang’s face is one of her being in thought. Probably thinking of me…😉
  10. theDumbMule

    biker girl

    Can I ride in your side car?
  11. theDumbMule

    Know your place

    I’m still trying to figure out my place…any suggestions??
  12. Looks like the perfect fit to me
  13. theDumbMule

    Keep looking

    Yes Mistress! Whatever you say Mistress!
  14. I see all the other replies to this post is mistresses. I wonder why 🤔 I guess I can volunteer for whatever Mistress Ito has in mind. How bad can it be?
  15. I love the idea of a mistress showing empathy! Welcome to the Fortress!
  16. You mean Mistress “Bean” Rey was the star of the evening 😁
  17. I’m sufficiently intimidated right now. Welcome to the Fortress!
  18. Where else would I rather be tucked in?
  19. That would be a nice gesture but I’m pretty sure she already understands us way more than any reasonable person would care to. Yet she still gives us what we need.
  20. The chef knows how to do what we subs strive for, getting on your good side.
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