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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Good point!! Now what would be fun is to add a where element. Imagine walking down the street, a van swings by you, opens up and you get grabbed by the fortress mistresses and a way you go. Never going to happen but a guy can dream. I guess I’ll settle for the who in the not too distant future. Stay safe!! Unless it means getting kidnapped by dangerous beauties of course.
  2. Living in a rural area my neighbors are a safe social distance of 100 yards from me. We still safely wave to each other. No sidewalks by me so no foot traffic. With the stay home orders there is definitely less vehicle traffic.
  3. Safe - check Sane -implies we were sane to begin with, but not any worse than I was before everything went crazy. But I’m probably due for some Fortress therapy.
  4. Another dog I am jealous of! But you could never replace me. I’m one of a kind.
  5. I love Curb Your Enthusiasm. Did you see this weeks episode? I never knew there was a big Johnson community.
  6. Lol-he kept alternating between nailing Robert Shapiro and playing a caricature of him. It was entertaining.
  7. That show was very well done (especially the actor and actress they got for Johnnie Cochran and Marcia Clark. Also good is the ESPN documentary OJ: Made in America.
  8. I love your coat! The angle of this photo is perfect too. I get to look up to you!
  9. Mystery sessions are a lot of fun. You never know who you will get. It makes the build up to the session a lot of fun and simultaneously unbearable. I recommend it to those who haven’t done it yet.
  10. Thank you for your help. Now can someone help me not get in trouble with you dommes. I can’t seem to help myself.
  11. Ooh, this reminds me of another one I do. I go through the 10 items or less checkout with 11 items. I am quite the rebel.
  12. Eat high fat, high sodium food. It’s a weakness of mine.
  13. I definitely need this. I can’t stop any other way.
  14. You certainly have nailed it in your review. Mistress Rey is exceptional in her rope work. Not to mention her ability to make you feel oh so small with one look. Truly a great mistress for beginner and experienced alike. Congrats on your amazing session.
  15. A rodeo themed cowgirl and steer wrestling could also be fun.
  16. Being wrestled down by a domme would appeal to me with or without a costume. How would you like wrestling someone who is in an inflatable sumo suit?
  17. I never see it coming either. It just hits me. This is followed by other things hitting me.
  18. Your full of great session ideas. I’m thinking for my next session of just asking you what kind of session I should have.
  19. Interesting way of putting it franknot. I am a bit simpler (dumber??) minded. I find that the domme will tell me what she is to me (mistress or goddess) and as long as I stay within those guidelines I keep in less trouble (somehow I am never out of trouble). I also find it’s best when the domme explains what I am to her (Dommes, insert favorite name here). Once all of that is established we can together deal with my shortcomings (although there really is nothing short to see here) the best way she sees fit.
  20. It’s good to hear MVD plays well with others. I wasn’t sure if she could. When I try to play nice she only tortures me ?.
  21. First the Pink room, now the Steel!? How can I keep up? By the time I’m done meeting you in all the rooms there won’t be anything left of me.
  22. Wow, very spacious! Where’s your desk?
  23. My first glance at the picture I didn’t see Mistress Jin and I thought you were pointing at a bruise. Whew...it was great relief when I looked at it again, lol. I thought I was going to have to take action and come to my Mistress’s defense.
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