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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. From personal experience the answer is yes to both questions. The mistresses can be quite ruthless if you ask for it. If they get tired of screaming they just gag you. They are accommodating to session requests.
  2. Kimono feels a bit too obvious for a reward, but i’ll guess that any way.
  3. Yes, I can guess...but I would probably guess wrong. So i’ll leave the guessing to the experts.
  4. Phew!! I was worried that you didn’t like it. I thought I might have to go to MVD for all my bb needs, and I am a very needy person.
  5. Poor Kitty! No one is sharing with her. I sympathize, Mistress Jin doesn't share with me either.
  6. It was a brief encounter Monday. But you definitely had your way!
  7. The problem with the books is they aren't all out yet. Who knows when they will finally be completed?
  8. Now that the show has completed its run, I have better perspective on things since all the story arcs are fleshed out. I definitely see myself as Danaerys, the rightful ruler of the world (regardless of who thinks otherwise) ?.
  9. I get to tell MVD what to do! ? But the dress!
  10. theDumbMule

    delicate things

    When Mistress Rey says delicate things I thought she was talking about me.
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