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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Thank you Mistress Kang. I am planning a trip to NYC towards the end of July. Hope to schedule a session then!
  2. We all occasionally need a mistress to reset us. Has Mistress Rey made it back safely from Japan yet? She has been missed!
  3. Did anyone else see the title of this thread and think we were supposed to place bets?
  4. I wouldn't mess with a friends TP. What if a sub came to the Fortress and switched it on you, would they be allowed back?
  5. Yes, I did a session at the fortress and cracked under the watchful eye of Mistress Jin, Mistress Von Dietz, and Mistress Rey. To make it interesting they got a secret out of me that I was keeping for Mistress Li so I eventually was punished for spilling the beans. Fun session, but I was totally done by the end of it.
  6. Because I'm your property and you can do whatever you feel like to me.
  7. I'm assuming you are talking about leather. But we subs appreciate all the fragrances shown in the photo.
  8. I don't stand a chance at maintaining composure with this around.
  9. Julie Newmar. Also agree with Smileey about Anne Hathaway.
  10. For me it was after a session was over and the mistress complimented me on my ability to take everything she dealt out. Since it was one of my very first sessions it helped me overcome my fear that I might wimp out during a session. Getting into BDSM I didn't know how I would be able to handle pain and I was afraid of a negative experience if I couldn't please the mistress by taking the pain. This made me much less fearful going into sessions after that.
  11. Is this a new Fortress rule you are going to enforce on us?? I think I would go with A because it would allow for trust to develop. I also feel guilty when I've had a good session with a Mistress and missed out on the opportunity to book another session. But B is tempting since I always wonder what I'm missing out on when I finally book with one Mistress and had an opportunity to book with another.
  12. No one ever explained it this way to me before. I feel like I have been missing out and ignorant this whole time. You would be a great asset to the American educational system.
  13. Since I have no idea I will guess Mistress Jung. Any rewards for correct guesses? Or punishments for wrong ones?
  14. I was going to suggest Snow White. But since MVD is the fairest of them all I suggest we just re-enact the movie with her as the lead. Now we just need 7 little men to play along. Can I be Dopey?
  15. Wow! Your looks could kill. I will now go back to my corner and stay out of your way.
  16. You are absolutely right about Thanos. If I had any complaints about Marvel films (which I really love them all) it would be the lack of really great villains. Until now Loki was the standout for me. Thanos makes Loki pale in comparison. It will be interesting to see how the resolve the story in the next movie.
  17. The feeling of my nipples and ass always make me remember my mistress for a few days. You are absolutely correct about the other senses when blind folded. I find hearing is the next sense I depend on. If that is also taken away then it is feel that I notice most. At that point I find I often can sense my mistresses body heat when she is nearby.
  18. Anyone see Avengers Infinity War yet? I saw it this weekend and really liked it. Can't wait to see the next Avengers movie next year.
  19. If I'm not blindfolded I am always watching my domme. I don't necessarily do it to predict what she is doing. It's more that her presence demands my attention. I want to make sure I don't miss what she wants from me. Of course, if I'm blindfolded the aspect of surprise is always there,
  20. Wow, I didn't know that there were other places to see in Chinatown. Seriously, thanks for the recommendations. Being from out of town I'm always looking for new places to visit and eat when I come for a visit.
  21. I've never been particularly flexible, but with the right motivation I would certainly try.
  22. That pretty much explains a bunch of situations I find myself in.
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