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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. theDumbMule

    Iick it clean

    Yes Mistress. As you wish
  2. Mistress Kang, you’re once again threatening me with a good time
  3. Mistress Kang is promising to turn me into a perfect pet. I can achieve perfection!!! Kitty is awesome!
  4. JustAGuy Bold choice Correcting the Headmistress Hope she forgives you
  5. You raaang?? Happy New Year Mistress!
  6. BTW, I’m a day early, or is it a year early?? Happy Birthday Mistress Ito!!
  7. I thought providing my mind and body to Mistress Ito’s training was already a benefit. Side question: Is me providing my mind to anyone a benefit to the recipient? Happy to see Mistress Ito graduate. I do wonder what happens at the graduation 👩‍🎓ceremony.
  8. Happy New Year Mistress!! Congratulations on completing your training 😉!
  9. theDumbMule

    Take On Me

    Darn it!! I’ve been upstaged by Kitty
  10. Congrats on taking the plunge. Number 1 thing is to be honest with your mistress with what got you interested in the first place. Then trust her and enjoy the ride. You will be able to provide feedback in session so if something isn’t going just right you can communicate that as well. I also highly recommend 2 hours for sessions as 1 just flies by and you will wish you had it. But that is up to you 😊
  11. I’m pretty sure Santa liked it. Even if he didn’t, he’s powerless to stop a FF Christmas party as evidenced by the photos posted 😂😂.
  12. She made your ears a new erogenous zone…hmmm… sounds like she made you into a Ferengi. Thanks for sharing this experience. I was curious how it worked.
  13. I knew it! Mistress Ito is thinking about me I love that look with the glove
  14. theDumbMule

    Mistress Rey

    I go back with Mistress Rey 9 years myself. Unfortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to session with her on these recent return trips.
  15. False - unless you are collecting for Mistress Kang. But I still don’t believe I owe $$ to anyone unless Mistress Kang says I do. She knows what’s best for me. The person below me has played FF Mad Libs.
  16. theDumbMule

    Mistress Rey

    Makes sense. I noticed on your profile the date you started at the FF. Happy 10 year anniversary!
  17. theDumbMule

    Mistress Rey

    Hello Mistress Rey! What’s the rope for?
  18. We are so lucky you are here. One reason to be thankful this time of year.
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