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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Good to know. Is this the only hint I'll receive about things to come?
  2. So is this supposed to train you to lift with your knees?
  3. I am sorry Mistress. Would you please punish me so that I will learn to do it right?
  4. I love bondage but never had shibari incorporated in a session. I don't have any positions in particular that I would like to try but would love to have your expert hands put me in bondage when you get back. Your choice of position of course.
  5. I'm sorry for making you wait. That was very inconsiderate of me.
  6. Possibly, where is the nearest peach tree?
  7. As long as you tell me where to place my right hand...
  8. Do you need someone to go with you to practice on? I would hate to see you falling behind on your homework. Would also hate to see you "stuck" in Japan for too long. Your slaves would miss you.
  9. My experience is the mistresses never mistake identity. If you were taken by a mistress, then that is what was supposed to happen. I'm glad you had a great time and welcome to the fortress. I hope you have the opportunity to be caught again.
  10. Isn't it a bit late for an umbrella? Wouldn't a towel be better? I volunteer for whatever you need.
  11. Yes Mistress! Congratulations! I don't play Candy Crush so I don't know what the max level is but it sounds really high. Of course you are on the highest level of mistresses anywhere. We should not have to be told to give you the utmost congratulations that you deserve. But we subs are slow learners and are thankful for your instruction on proper etiquette.
  12. Thank you for helping us make the needed adjustments. Right now it's looking like it may be summer before I make it back but at least I have something to look forward to.
  13. Glad to see it's back up. It's just in time as I was about to have cold sweats about losing the connection to the Fortress mistresses in between sessions. Now I have to get used to the updates. Change is so hard...
  14. I do find it humiliating myself any time a domme takes away my ability to do something routine or makes something that is normally easy difficult. I think part of it is the domme laughing at the predicament but also the struggle for me when she can do it easily makes it humiliating.
  15. How small do I look from way up there?
  16. I'm glad to hear you are on the mend! Get well soon. By the way, I find the fact that you are tired by 11:00 even with a nap quite normal. I'm always tired by 11:00.
  17. I just got back from seeing Black Panther. I agree with Jayman, not my favorite Marvel movie but a very good movie. Black Panther is not one of those characters I am very familiar with, but I was definitely invested in the story and the characters.
  18. BTB and DannyBoy once logged on at the same time. The servers tried calculating the combined ages of everyone logged in. Unfortunately the number was too high and it resulted in something far more serious than the Y2K bug, the Fortress server going down. I accept full responsibility for this as I knew this catastrophe was a possibility and forgot to warn Mistress Kang that this could happen and stop this from occurring. I now humbly apologize and submit to the higher authorities at the Fortress for proper punishment for my failure to act in a timely fashion.
  19. What a terrifying thought, Mistress Rey with a hammer and sickle. It looks like this capitalist pig needs some reforming at the hands of Mistress Rey!
  20. I would love too! Is this a full time position?
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