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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Something seems off with that matchup 🤔
  2. Good choice! I haven’t experienced the neons either, but not sure that is for me. I have experienced “The Wheel” and can confidently say this can be “adjusted” for anyone. Definitely something you should experience sometime.
  3. Would you rather face MVD’s neons or Mistress Koi’s “Wheel of Misfortune “?
  4. Happy Birthday! I’m sure you have all your birthday “wishes” waiting for you where they belong 🤔.
  5. I unfortunately did not know today was a holiday. Sounds like we need to start some “traditions” for such a celebration.
  6. The news of how great a toy your hands are is getting around. Rumor has it that Mistress Kang also likes using your hands as a toy. When she comes and gets them from you for a session, you can then yell out “Unhand me!!”
  7. With this thread coming back to the top I got to read through this. I’m almost shocked at how little things have changed in six years.
  8. Granted, but due to their popularity they have no time for you. I wish I could be of use to a Fortress mistress right now.
  9. Phew! Glad someone stepped up. I hate to see us subs as categorically disappointing.
  10. 🎶 MVD had a farm, E, I, E, I, O 🎶
  11. Never before have I been jealous of a crab 😁. Happy Birthday Mistress Koi! Thanks for the video MVD.
  12. Yep! The whole thing is called a Garbage Plate. Mac Salad, Home Fries, (hot dog or hamburger) covered in meat sauce.
  13. Your ass?? After a visit with a mistress of course.
  14. I’m going to refrain from saying “Granted, but then you would be me!” because I’m trying to be better (with the help of MVD’s instructions) with my posts on this forum. Instead I’ll say… Granted, but since MVD breaks her toys you will be single use and then tossed to the curb. I wish I could keep the Fortress Spa’s one rule of no screaming at the Spa.
  15. You’re not an actual goldfish (biologically). But the mistresses make you their pet goldfish.
  16. Granted but they make you a goldfish and you drown in your bowl. I wish I could beat a mistress at any game.
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