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Everything posted by theDumbMule

  1. Koi sees London, Koi sees France, Koi sees theDumbMule’s….
  2. I do like the chill in the air and the warmth you provide.
  3. I don’t see anything wrong with what you have done here. Good job! And Good Luck!
  4. Good to know I have someone looking out for me. Thank you!
  5. I understand your fear. Contacting booking is a big step. I was never a newbie for any of the current mistresses. But I have seen good reviews on this forum for everyone from newbies. The 2 comments I read the most here is “I wish I didn’t wait so long to do this” and “I wish I scheduled for more than 1 hour”. I don’t know that anyone is better than another with newbies but all are experienced with them. I have had many sessions and I still get nervous before and during sessions. The mistresses know how to handle that and will guide you. They really do have great empathy towards subs. Nervousness really is part of the experience but it gets used in a positive way to guide you in your submission. Booking will be able to guide you to a particular mistress better than I (each one of us is different in what we need/want anyway). Plus I think you will find the booking process may help you with putting aside some of your fears. The 1st session at the Fortress is really impressive on everything from booking to guiding you through the entry process to meeting the mistresses. My best recommendation right now is contact booking. I think doing so will help you with many of your questions/concerns. Don’t worry about what to say to your mistress or being able to speak to them. They know how to handle that too.
  6. I was hiding behind you like a scared puppy… Please keep track of my slip ups. I will report back to you for proper attention to my errors. Looks like I may need to report to Mistress Hadid as well.
  7. This is the right place to come to for a newbie. All the mistresses are experienced with introducing new subs to new fetishes and new to the submissive world. They’ll quickly figure out how fast/slow you need to move and will guide you through it. I have sessioned with all the current mistresses and can safely say each can suit your needs. If you contact booking, you will get good direction on who to specifically see. My biggest recommendation is go with a 2 hour session. It will allow for a “relaxed “ pace to explore what you may like. If something gets too intense you can always take a break or switch activities .
  8. Hmm, apparently my hiding strategy worked better than I thought it would...
  9. 😁😁. I’m in my safe place. Betcha can’t find me…
  10. …being told what a good boy I am and that you would never hurt me because you love the joy I bring your life
  11. Now I’m thinking there needs to be a BFSM themed Dr. Seuss book. MVD could tie me in place and read to me the places I’ll go. With appropriate illustrations on me of course.
  12. Yep! Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.
  13. Why are you stopping at 2 teachers?
  14. I’m not a smart man (or mule), but I think this is the part where you contact Mistress Ree and make this happen. I don’t think you’ll regret it. MVD and Mistress Feng certainly won’t.
  15. MVD the travel agent! Can you imagine the trips that would be booked for us?
  16. Thank you for looking out for me. I sometimes miss the warning signs.
  17. I saw this title and was looking for my report card. I guess I better keep moving on.
  18. Next session: Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and Go Fish! How could a sub lose?
  19. Shopping for me!? You shouldn’t have 😍. You do so much for me already.
  20. Very cool. Thanks for sharing. Looks like we have 2 interests in common 😁
  21. Kind of neat seeing the reflection in the glasses. Kinda like seeing things from Mistress Kang’s eyes
  22. I have the problem. I’m too sexy for just about anything. So Mistress Ree asks me to take it all off before anything can begin at the FF. The other mistresses appreciate my willingness to accommodate the request.
  23. I thought they just took dumps all over the parade route
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