Mistress Zhao, you said "So what you're saying is that there a universal perception of the spirit being masculine, and the flesh being feminine? I fail to see where this idea came from, other than the bible, and we all know that those are simply stories of allegory and metaphor." By saying "we all know" and "simply stories of allegory and metaphor" are you dismissing the bible as similar to children's fiction with some simple lessons thrown in?
The human writers of the bible were engaged in much the same journey as most of us, existential questions if you will. The tradition of the eastern church has always been to begin a scripture reading with an intoned "wisdom". In a similar way I think a psychology that ignores Freud is egocentric and foolish. Some students of philosophy think they don't need to study Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, which I cannot understand.
Notwithstanding the above, I am delighted to be a new observer of the inquiry you and Fei are engaged in. I will surely learn much from you.