My first experience at a love hotel was like: I was lady ditched and grumpy at my reggae bar in the snow country, drunk with an English guy - saying to him "I'm sleeping with the next woman that comes in here."
The next woman to come in was about sixty years old (her name was Reko, she was a lush) and she ordered me garlic bread. Perfect move. English friend was like "No." and I was like "'Fraid so."
The sex toy vending machine was cool. The bed was super novel. You could adjust all the lights a hundred different ways. Best part was this guest book in the room that was full of caricatures of like different somebody's one time sex partners, I.E. ladies with full mustaches, fat guys w/ micro dick. The worst part was when Reko fell in the hot tub, but she bounced back.
Love hotels get a B+ in my book.