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  1. Not a BBW guy, but I've always liked Harukawa's work. Lots of passion put into it. Along the same lines I'd suggest Eric Stanton's stuff too, as he does a lot of Amazon type pieces (along with much more extreme/fantastical themes too). And speaking of general fun FD artistry, there's always Sardax and in a bit more of a toonish way, Kamitora.
  2. Fun question that should produce some interesting answers. I don't exactly know the term that describes me, but it's probably heteroflexible. When it comes to overall physical characteristics, I absolutely favor women over men. Men's physiques, faces, voices etc do nothing for me. Cocks though... I'll admit, those can be pretty great. It's too bad they're attached to men and not women. Strap-ons can be somewhat of a proxy there, but I am still intensely curious about what it's like to service / give pleasure to the actual thing. I guess there are ladyboys and what not but (A) I don't foresee such encounters in my future ( at least from what I've seen, the ladyboy cocks aren't terribly impressive...
  3. I don't, but it was very interesting when I learned my best friend did (this was 6 or 7 years ago). We'd gone drinking earlier and while waiting outside of Kenka to get in, we started checking out girls. I began noticing a bit of a pattern on his part. Wound up chatting about it over dinner and when I asked him why, he had this inexplicable reasoning of having an overwhelming desire just to "roll" one of these women. I know it sounds ludicrous and somewhat degrading, but I think this was the closet he could come to articulating the emotional-visceral feeling of that kind of attraction. He also seemed somewhat sheepish/ashamed of this interest, though considering my own fetishes (which I would tell him about years later) it never bothered me. Granted, he's engaged to some waify chick now so I guess his fetish wasn't powerful enough.
  4. Interesting--do you think gore is a critical component of horror? I don't know a ton about the genre, but there seem to be a few dividing lines--gore, jump scares, etc--that just shut out a lot of films for me. Atmosphere and suspense though.... that's definitely my sweet spot.
  5. Mistress Zhao is indeed very special and wonderful, and it's great that you were able to have such a powerful first impression of the Fortress The post-session high really is something, isn't it? It's the same sort of energy I feel on a perfect Spring or Fall day, where there's just a sort of perfect balance that hangs in the air between my frame of mind and how the world around me seems to be.
  6. Hmmm, I am a big wuss and don't do well with outright horror movies, but I love horror writing and--at least from what I understand--the idea of IT FOLLOWS sounds like it would've made a great short story. I am curious though to know how the film handles what essentially seems like an STD demon.
  7. Let's see... Most of my examples are work examples, which are pretty boring. A (slightly) less boring example would be the dinner I had with a friend my fiancee a few weeks ago. This is a new friend and he's nice, if a little stiff, and is originally from a very rural state. At some point we're talking about New York and he begins to go on about people from NYC--it's here I realize he doesn't know I was born in Brooklyn. So, basically, I egg him on to share all of his negative stereotypes: accents, rudeness, inability to appreciate aspects of nature, on and on and on. I wait until he's exhausted himself to reveal the truth and just get a big laugh watching him try to get his foot out of his mouth. I didn't take anything he said personally and told him not to worry, but it was fun luring him out on a ledge with that information gap
  8. When dealing with friends/relationships/work, I usually find myself in a more dominant position but I'm not exactly sure it's my "preferred" role. In many cases--some friendships and colleagues especially--there's simply a power vacuum, where either no one wants to have that dominant position or the people who do are somehow toxic to others. My tolerance for those kinds of things is pretty low and, as such, I will assume a more dominant/powerful position to steer the overall group away from a "broken" situation. I do love a turn-the-tables scenario though! Personally I love a delta in information/understanding and the sort of dynamics that creates--having information/knowledge someone else would use to make a decision and thus altering their actions is oddly entertaining :]
  9. Well, we *did* spend a bunch of time with our SI/Jersey family growing up so it wasn't totally blown out the water. Out of curiosity, I saw earlier on the thread that you grew up in NYC? Can I ask where? I have my money on Forest Hills or Elmhurst.
  10. How about "seductively koi"? Do we have a Mistress who fits that description?
  11. Speech impediment :] As a kid, I had a minor impediment that sent me to a speech pathologist that really flattened out any accent I might have developed. On top of that I went to (A) high school in Manhattan rather than my very Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn and then ( went to college in upstate New York (which carries its own vowel shift issues). I was also a nerd growing up, so my friends were less guido and more ESL-inclined. Thanks, interest in Dungeons & Dragons!
  12. I thought of this thread last night, when I was deep in Staten Island for a cousin's birthday party. We have a lot of family in Brooklyn/Staten Island/Jersey and the accents are pretty ridiculous (except mine--no one ever believes I'm from Brooklyn). After a few hours of accented casual racism and misogyny, I was sure I'd gotten my fill of family for another year. Oh, yes, I do believe it's meant to be the other way around.
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