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    Apart from being utterly dominated by sexy, witty asian dames ?

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  1. Either I was born with it or something happened in my first six years, because by seven I already had a thing for girls' feet. By ten, it was bad: one day, we had friends over; the girls and the boys were playing separately but once in a while the boys would kidnap a girl and tie her to a chair, playing pirates or whatever, innocently. There I was, tying this pretty girl one year older and much more mature. When I got to her feet, adorned with red nail polish, fascination, lust and worship instantly overwhelmed me. Within a split second I got mortified that my emotions, so powerful, would become uncontrollable if I touched her, revealing my kink. I abruptly rose and turned away, trying to conceal my glowing red face, and curtly muttered to the other boy to finish it, hoping neither had noticed the awkwardness, or at least that they would not understand its cause. At the same time I was already furious for letting pass that incredibly fortunate and rare opportunity. Those toenails are still etched in my memory, delicious torment. As for the submissiveness, the conflicting feelings when defeated by a pretty girl at a game appeared very early too: both wrath at being humiliated and that strange heat in my heart and abdomen telling me: "more !"
  2. ▲ Good point, porn sucks, but is easy to access, fast and discreet, a blessing for the family man. Looking at the sites you mention, the first thing that comes to mind is: I had never seen so many white chicks, except at a Céline Dion concert. The few asian girls in BDSM seem to take the role of victims most of the time. I thought the asian mistress was a much more common fantasy. I do not know if this happens to other subs here. What specifically turns me on feels so natural, obvious, normal to me that it is easy to imagine it turns on most guys around the world. There is no sexuality outside of my kink. Browsing porn sites illustrates how irrational that conception is. Most guys' kinks leave me indifferent, as mine surely leaves them. It feels a little lonely. Praise the Lord for this forum. Mistresses of other genomes, please forgive my confessed inclination for Asia. Be not offended. Your talent, beauty and superiority to men are not in question.
  3. Great fantasy. The post-orgasm torture I was thinking of was continuation of masturbation after ejaculation, when the penis becomes hyper-sensitive. The videos I have seen of it are among the rare ones in which the guy is bound for real, because while it is done to him he really does not want to be there. That is why I have not tried it. Since the conversation about porn sites has been allowed so far, I will start by asking ask here. What is that site you refer to ?
  4. Would that it were so simple, Mistress. There is only one fortress, and she lies a million whip lengths from me. Locally, it is disappointing. I end up having to explain so much that I should be the one getting paid.
  5. Words, indubitably. Contempt, tease, satisfaction, plans for enhanced future humiliation, etc.
  6. ▲ Oh, you know, mellow stuff. An asian girl overpowering a dude, followed by bondage, humiliation, tease & denial, foot worship or CBT. Nothing directly sexual. On Pornhub the pickings are slim for what I seek and the quality is embarrassing. Not sure whether it is allowed to discuss this here, but are there trustworthy sites dedicated to BDSM or asian ?
  7. One thing: post-orgasm torture, thanks to a topic here a few years ago. I have not tried it yet though, because, although it looks absolutely hot, I know how bitterly I would regret it. Apart from that, I know well what makes me tick so I do not find new ideas, rather I seek scenes depicting my fantasies. Alas, although those fantasies are fairly middle-of-the-road, it is next to impossible to find a good video. Most are such crap. Suspension of disbelief to that level I cannot achieve. I mean, the guy is not even tied up, for hell's sake ! And then there is the futility of search by keywords. Whatver algorithm they use, they got swindled. Perhaps I am using the wrong sites.
  8. Who is Midnight blue ? It sounds like a name for a horse. Not that I would judge.
  9. Few directors have the vision to make an original œuvre from a book. Kubrick was the Johnny Cash of cinema: once he adapted your book, it was no longer yours. The Shining (which disappointed Stephen King, the fool !), A clockwork orange, The killing, Full metal jacket (although I have read neither Clean break nor The short-timers)... Then there is Philip Kaufman's The right stuff. I tried to read Tom Wolfe's book but I cannot stand his mac Donald's style. That film though... "I think I see a plane over there with my name on it." Jean-Jacques Annaud squeezed Umberto Eco's erudite Il nome della rosa into a tight, suspenseful mystery with a menacing atmosphere. He also chose to replace the dialogues with grunts in his adaptation of J.-H. Rosny's La guerre du feu, which suprisingly worked. Watching Rob Reiner's Stand by me is precisely the same as reading Stephen King's novella, which could be criticised as lack of imagination, but in this case is a proof of exquisite sensitivity and actor direction. Same with Yves Robert's La guerre des boutons, also starring children. Blade Runner. Jaws. Pierrot le fou. Apocalypse now. Les diaboliques. Cinema is such a powerful medium.
  10. My beautiful chinese housemate (not girlfriend, though) had collected scores of tiny cactus spines from walking barefoot in an treacherous muddy Arizona meadow. The pain was forcing her to walk like John Cleese. I volunteered to retrieve some precision surgery instruments from the lab to extract the dolorous barbs. Truly I would have offered this to anyone, but I could not believe my luck for having manipulated a hot chick into gratefully letting me touch her feet. I ended up spending an hour working on her little wounds with my face right up to her soles. How I resisted licking them or sucking her toes I still do not know. She never suspected the state I was in the entire time. Bonus: she let me bathe her feet with Epsom salts then dry them with a towel prior to the operation. Bonus II: I got to redo it the next day. I love this state.
  11. I sweat on two occasions: ere a public talk, and thinking of how helpless I would be when hog-tied by you.
  12. Zantafio

    I made a web

    The insane power of suggestion in this photo... Thank you. It reminds me of the kiss of the spider woman.
  13. Zantafio

    joyeuses pâques

    With a capital P, when it refers to the christian holiday.
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