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  1. This is so true and why Mistress Westwood so amazing. I definitely need Her.
  2. Thank you! i guess i will have to work up the courage to ask next time i am at the fortress, hopefully next week.
  3. For me, I first realized I was sub when I was reading about succubi for D&D as a teenager, and realized that not only was this my thing, others obviously shared it.
  4. Is it considered rude or improper boundary pushing to blurt out an "I love You" during a fortress session? The urge to do it as I feel more and more submissive gets really strong. I had managed to avoid doing because I was afraid it would be taken badly, but I came so close at my last two sessions I wanted to ask on here before my next. If I am told that it would make a Mistress uncomfortable, my urge to do it will definitely go away.
  5. I have back in grad school. I am not sure either of us knew there was a term for it, but it was clearly a D/a aspect to the entire relationship, where I was at her beck and call 24/7. Mostly for help with cooking and shopping and what not. Pretty amazing, to be honest.
  6. Ooh. I love the old Lucas arts adventure games. My two favorite were Monkey Island and Loom. Monkey Island is pretty well known, but I think Loom was an amazing fantasy adventure game that is severely overlooked. I have only ever sessioned with Mistress Zito, but all this gaming talk makes me feel I really need to meet You as well, Mistress Katz.
  7. When it comes to "meta" ha,se that uses glitches and game mechanics as a narrative device, I think I preferred Undertale to Doki Doki.
  8. It is amazing how many people think they are high level Smash players. I have played in Smash tournies around the country in Smash 4 and Melee but I still get smoked at locals now-a-days with how good everyone has gotten. Do any of you follow competitive Smash? It is my preferred esport.
  9. Wait, which Smash Bros. game are we talking about here? Talking a big game for a game like Melee is pretty easy, but that game goes so deep, it's crazy. 1v1, No Items, Final Destination, Fox Only.
  10. You guys are missing out by not going the stealth route in Dishonoured. It is tons of fun, especially using the teleport abilities to get around the levels in crazy ways. I played Doki Doki literature club, but I did not quite see what all the fuss was about. Probably because it had all been spoiled for me already.
  11. For both Mistresses (if they are two different people): What is her name? Mistress Zito, for both How old were you? 32 then, 33 now! How did you find her? Through this website. Why did you choose to serve her? There was one candid photo of her here on the forums that I just thought was the most gorgeous photo I had ever seen. I had been looking at the site for a while, but I think I arranged my first session the day I saw that photo. Where did you session (city? country? dungeon? apartment? hotel?)? Obviously, at the fortress, old and new locations. I have never wanted to see anyone else!
  12. I will be back to see You again on Tuesday, the 20th (booked and confirmed the time last week)! Hopefully that is not too long of a wait...
  13. Thank You! I am already trying to figure out my schedule so I can come back and see Mistress Zito again.
  14. I had my first session anywhere today with Mistress Alexia Zito, after noticing her pictures and thinking about it for quite a while. I just wanted to post saying she exceeded all my expectations and is absolutely amazing.
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