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Everything posted by ConsulIncitatus

  1. Mistress Kang: Sorry for the delay, I will post the full checklist once I have whittled it down on some particular items. As of now I have mostly figured out how I feel. I am still on the fence on a few items. Mistress Zhao: Your response in a way sums up the reason the Fortress seems entirely perfect to me(this also applies to the enthusiasm of Mistress Kang's response regarding my checklist.) Overall I can tell that no matter who my first appointment is with I am in good hands, considering that all at the Fortress seem to be involved in a way that is beyond BDSM being "just a job", so to speak. Your description of it as a journey is particularly apt to my situation, it very much seems to be a journey for me at this point where I have had "tastes" of it to whet my palate, but any real BDSM activity has mostly been partners acquiescing my requests without true personal enjoyment. It would be nice to dive in headfirst and get the full experience. As a general thread response: Thank you to everyone who has responded. All comments have been very helpful in laying down the foundation before i take the leap and schedule my first appointment.
  2. Hey all, Thanks for the responses. Some very good advice here! Particularly that checklist bit. Very helpful because, in the ones I saw, there was some stuff that I would never even fathom. Some were just meh in my response, and some rouse some great interest. I can't wait to schedule an appointment once I arrive back in NY. Incitatus
  3. Hey Everyone current college guy here who has yet to get involved in any meaningful sense in the world of fetishes. After just recently finding out about The Fortress I am looking to make my debut here. I read other threads asking who people should schedule their first session with and the response is always that they should tell booking what they are in to. I realized I don't even really know what I am into. I don't actually feel like I know the full range of possibilities as far as boundaries. So seeing as the community here appears to be pretty strong, I was hoping to get some help to establish an idea of what is even in the realm of possibility. I would also hope to gain some idea of who I should be leaning towards when I schedule my first session. As far as what I do know about I guess its easiest to say I know the basics and stuff like that, the stereotypical D/s things. I do KNOW that in at least some substantial degree this is what I am into and I am hoping to explore the side of me that I have previously never had the courage/knowledge to act on. As a last note I do realize that there may be the possibility that the Fortress could be a bit too much for an altogether newbie like myself. If that is the case I would still appreciate any help given and will anxiously work up, so to speak, until I can handle this place. Cheers and thanks in advance, Incitatus
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