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Mistress Rey

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Everything posted by Mistress Rey

  1. Captured superhero... that's a very fun roleplay.
  2. Oh Lonewolf, there has been a big misunderstanding on your part. There is absolutely no criticism in my words, I was only teasing you. I was just teasing you that you have such a vivid imagination when it comes to your words and reliving your moments with us, that you must find it hard to concentrate on more mundane, daily life activities. Your mind is like an erotic theater, always showing a new, titillating film. Again, a JOKE.
  3. Imagine using it at the airport. Haha, that would certainly make you nervous. And might result in an extra 'screening'.
  4. Will you ever completely leave the Fortress? We have marked you forever, physically and mentally. Branded into the crevices of your mind.
  5. Lonewolf's mental titillations never end... how do you keep focus when your mind is a constant stream of sexy theater?
  6. That is always the amazing part... thinking nothing else will fall, surprising yourself with sides of yourself undiscovered.
  7. I love that there is no room for peaking with those contact lenses, as there would be with a blindfold. Much more vulnerable, knowing its a process to take them off.
  8. Have you sessioned before? If so, what were your experiences?
  9. Hahaha, Mistress Katz, you like to hit them close to reality!
  10. Haha, that bird cage is like that plot device in an Hitchcock film of whats to come!
  11. Yes! Peek-a-boo is the perfect description. It's kind of coy, but not.
  12. I'm glad I asked about that avatar, I had a feeling there was a personal story behind it. It's good you can look back at her wicked gesture with glee, despite your lack of deep connection. You seem to be very introspective to understand and more so, articulate what drives your desires and your behavior. As shy, reticent people tend to be.. right? I understand that need for balance. Not having control can feel very safe and liberating, when that control is given into hands that you trust.
  13. If you aren't careful, it would.
  14. GDH94, for your first time enduring a truly sadistic tickle session, you did more than survive, I could tell that you were enjoying every second of it. You barely seemed drained by the end, only invigorated and elated by the experience. You were so much fun! I won't forget all your not so secret tickle spots for next time. Our creativity has no bounds (because we get such a kick out of it!) when it comes to making tickling even more torturous than your first time!
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