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Already Gone .

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  1. How about.....CHINESE LESSONS. Much more Practical considering all North and South Koreans will be Completely Fluent in Mandarin and even some Cantonese in The Near Future, particularily business people.
  2. So, would you like me to come to NYC? I certainly am Able. No Probs.

  3. Sure, I have a sense of humor, but yes I can Whip your F-ing ASS to whatever degree you enjoy, haha ! Limits Respected. I can just stand there and talk dirty to you and you will probably Bust your Biscuits, hahaha ! Well, it is TRUE.

  4. Merry WHIPxMAS Thomas ! hahaha ! Enjoy!

    1. EYESubmit2U


      Thank you Happy Holidays

  5. Merry WHIPxMAS Thomas ! hahaha ! Enjoy!

  6. Thankyou Thomas. You have nice interests. Have a Nice Evening. - Katrina Kuan

    1. EYESubmit2U


      Thank you have a great night =)

  7. Hi. 你们好。Whats Up? Como Stai? Quanta costa la sexa primavera baby? haha ! Hey !

  8. Soooooo........Nobody likes to Chat around here. Okeeeeee.

    1. Dannyboy


      You've been addressing your posts to people who are not part of or no longer connected to the Forums. It is a major holiday weekend; many are away or otherwise spoken for during this time.

  9. Good Day to Everyone. Any Communications?

  10. Hello Anna Lau. Would you be interested to Audition me at Fortress NYC for Employment. Perhaps I am not what you looking for. 大多少我应给跟泰国公司找工作。。知道了。

  11. Yah, I get the idea just from reading the header on the video. How about one in Manadarin as well..... - ' 我想想起来我今晚上喜欢想要吃什么? ‘ 呵呵! ! !
  12. 新年快来。。欻天现在。。天边漂亮的下雨下来地下。。The new year is coming quick, autumn is here ..in the sky beautiful rain is coming down to the ground......

  13. If you ask most people what is ' on their minds ' , haha.....well , it is usually SEX. 如果问人家他们现在想了什么。。。当然每一回答是(性别)。What else is new in this world? haha ! 在这世界还有什么新的事情?呵呵。

  14. Hitomi Okada......I've been wanting to say for quite some time now..... - I would LOVE for YOU to just OUTRIGHT TRASH ME SOME EVENING, just WHIP the F-ING DAYLIGHTS OUT of ME. Oh Yah.......

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