Thank you Mistress Fei, for the opportunity to address the group with some observations and questions. I have not yet booked my first session at the fortress, as I am still doing my "due diligence" as to the proper etiquette and expectations....and one way I do this is to read the postings and topics on this forum.
My feelings about Jung's Shadow Theory are mixed--as are my thoughts on Freud, Kierkegaard, or Nietzsche for that matter, as they relate to modern times. Their theories were formulated, and viewed through the lens of a strict Judeo-Christian society--with a good dose of guilt for contradicting their fathers wishes and plans for their future--many men can identify with that guilt and feeling of being a disappointment to their own family, while still trying to establish themselves as a men in their own right. I do not believe we can apply that thinking today--although the questions they asked were indeed valid.
Furthermore, I would consider my "shadow" more of a place I put things for later use--rather than a place I "hide" things. There is no one perfect way to deal with situations in life--so one should never be afraid to access the dark parts of one's self, because that may well be what is needed in certain circumstances. Just because I identify a characteristic in someone as negative, doesn't mean that I have to have that characteristic in me as well. The word "dark" itself is subjective--and in Jung's theory is viewed as a negative--but don't we sometimes envy in a positive way, someone who is able to be ruthless in a situation? I'm not sure that self exploration has to be negative at all--rather more of an "end justifying the means" to a goal of self understanding and balance-- a Yin and Yang of self...
My questions to the group are: Since I have not yet experienced a session, am I to expect a transcendental experience? If so, would that be my goal, or a result of a session? What are some of the feelings one experiences during and after a session? How closely does Jung's Shadow Theory mirror a session with the Mistress, in that one feels that he is exploring a dark side or shadow self? Because I didn't think the experience was going to be so intense, as to cause me to re-evaluate my unconscious self--unless--that is the goal here? Ideally, I'd like to get the most out of a session, so I want to know from more experienced players more about what to expect...
Thank you all for taking the time to review my posting--I look forward to your feedback!