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    The Pink Room

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  1. My personal favorite is David Schwimmer as Robert Kardashian... The Juice saved my marriage!
  2. Loud, but muffled ; - ). ...the question is, how will you keep them lodged in? You know what a talker I am.
  3. I don't think you'd have any trouble finding volunteers for this scenario including myself...as is my nature, I would probably spend most of my time as your hostage screaming for help ; - )
  4. When you say former President, you mean Bill Clinton? ......This is all happening because he got a BJ in the Oval Office from Monica Lewinsky?
  5. I liked it too. Some of the criticisms are legit, other come across as sour grapes. The Solo teaser trailer that aired during the Super Bowl reminded me of the Rogue One trailer in terms of it's tone. Like some other posters, I too am worried about the change in director but we shall see.
  6. I've heard of but never tried. Now, imagine if the Fortress were to incorporate this into their business. Booking a session might go something like this: Call or email to book a session. Instead of being to to report to xyz, you are instructed to report to a specific location. You report to the location. A van drives by and three Mistresses snatch you off the street and wrestle you to the floor of the van. Within minutes, you're bound and gagged. Upon arrive, you're blindfolded, hauled inside, and left to struggle until your Mistress enters for your session. I know...my proposal is not at all realistic, but it's fun to imagine.
  7. 1) How would you go about getting him back there? 2) What would you use to keep him silent when the inevitable screaming for help occurs? 3) Where do I sign up ; ) ?
  8. You are in trouble and I mean that in the best way possible. Time permitting, post a review after the session. For the record, your post got my wheels turning for my next session
  9. I have several: A double domme session (long overdue). Being on the receiving end of the perfect panty-gag (half in place by either a stocking, scarf, or duct tape) - perhaps a session involving some experimentation. A kidnapping themed session. My dream session - two hours. Hour one being dominated by a single mistress. Hour two, a double domme session where the mistress who dominated me in hour one is now in the sub role with being dominated by mistress #2. The odds of me achieving all four goals are pretty low. At the same time, I prefer to set the bar too high rather than too low.
  10. Definitely recovery time. After a session, I like to go home and unwind on my couch. I also prefer not to work the following day so I can sleep in an replay the session in my mind.
  11. I wish I had an answer. I have a tough time waiting a few hours let alone four days. Trying to concentrate at work the day after a session is next to impossible.
  12. I like the real life photos a lot but cannot imagine how I would react if I never saw one of the Mistresses in public.
  13. Are you a mind reader Mistress Rey? ; -)
  14. Fantasies involving cuckolding & rope bondage because it's hot to talk about but probably wouldn't translate well into real life.
  15. So I should no longer wear my assless chaps when I come to session? All kidding aside, this is super cool! Do we get to see any photos of the new place in the near future?
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